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    The Monomyth: Why Campbell has never been entirely satisfying

    Sorry I tend to condense as much as I can into few as possible sentences. Breaking what I said into various ideas it includes: - "myth" in quote marks means not fiction definition; - myth is like bible; - myth is (about) Holism; - myth is about In/Whole/Good versus Out/Dual/Evil/Fallen; - myth...
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    The Monomyth: Why Campbell has never been entirely satisfying

    "Mythology" like the bible is about holism/in/truth/survival vs dualism/out "quest" throut the whole of Human/World/cyclical Time/(Hi)story (& prophecy). All religions/mythologies d/evolved from one common original religion. Whole/rise-climax/evolv/progress ->...
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    cognate deity names

    found motivation to do a whole lot of (unexhaustive) entries at once. As I have/want put them on my web page there is no point posting them on web/net twice so here is where you[s] can see them: Life & Tradition | I would very much like any pro/con comments/feedback (please?)
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    cognate deity names

    well it has been a while since my last entry/post but I very miserable/lazy/busy/distracted/unmotivated/uninspired lately and can't say if/when I will be able to post next/further entry/ies. So in meantime I give you[s] links to previous posts of some entries on other forums, indo-european...
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    Comparative Mythology

    I briefly commented on some of those scholars and some others/more in topic/thread: It would help if you ("Limbo") said what in particular in/on comparative mythology you are interested in (if you know). I dont want to seem...
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    12 planets

    the (major) "planets" are: sun, vulcan/Mercury, proserpine/Venus/lucifer/star, Earth-lilith/luna, Mars, aster/planet x/minerva/tiamat/planet k/planet v, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto-charon, smiley, nabiru/198?-ceb/planet x/planet t/asteroid belts/oort cloud. the main theories...
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    Atlantis: did it exist?

    Around 1999 I made my own study to determine if Atlantis/Poseidonis existed and/or rather where. I considered everywhere around the world including all the theories I knew of or had (and since) encountered my self (tho there are far more than ones I know details about as it is said by one...
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    Are you a heretic?

    Thanks Saltmeister (# 31): I didn't mean reason/logic/Apollonian/head is opposite to instinct/intuition/faith/Dionysian/heart, I agree that we must have both in right proportions/balance. I myself recently argued on a group list that christians/creationists don't just have blind faith without...
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    cognate deity names

    Thanks Juantoo3. re "not universally frowned upon": sure there are a certain amount of writers/scholars who have written on comparative mythology, but when it comes to my thesis of world-wide deity names (conate) correspondences the extant literature is pretty small/limited, even just...
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    Are you a heretic?

    Heretic/Heterodox is a relative term, and compare similar "politically correct". Many people today think they are being rebelious yet they are just doing what the system tells them is "rebelious" (anti-nature, anti-God, anti-culture) and is encouraging them to do. To be a real heretic they...
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    Celtic names

    This is not quite along same lines as your post but: My real name Sean is an Irish name. Someone once remarcked to me that it was a Xtianised Celtic name. Every source I have seen says it is Irish for Jo-hn (God/divine + gracious/favour), like Seamus is for James. Then one day looking thru a...
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    cognate deity names

    Thank-you flow(person), makes a change from all the negative/de-constructive criticism I've had in last 12 months! Tho I would like to also actually have people discuss possibile correspondences too. (Yes I believe/have evidence that all religions d/evolved from one common original, but since...
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    cognate deity names

    My apologies to anyone who may have already seen some of my deity name connections on my older threads on Skadi forum and Simaqianstudio history forum. # 2. Enlil world wide cognates (some may be wrong): El-lil/En-lil/Ill-in-us/Nin-lil/Mul-lil (Sumer-Akkad) 'mtn, storm, wild ox, wind, air...
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    cognate deity names

    #1. Sin worldwide cognates (few poss wrong): Sin/Sinne (Akkadian) 'moon'. Sina/Hina/Ina (Polynesian) 'moon' (RA Lochore, E Sykes). Si (Chimu Indian) 'moon' (Z Sitchin, Fitzgerald-Lee). Singala (Arab). Chia (Muyscaya Indian) 'moon' [otherwise could be Hea/Ea?] Ya'china'ut (Koryak) 'moon'. Sedna...
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    cognate deity names

    (I didn't know whether to put this under mythology or comparative studies, I guess it is more in this sub-forum area.) My thesis is that the names of gods all around the world are/can be related. Everyone I have mentioned this to has attacked me, and said it is not true and can't be done...
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    Medias Res (Odyssey)

    Zangger compares that Atlantis acct breaks off abruptly in middle of things and he would have it that the Iliad continues on from where Atlantis acct ends. He believes Plato was writing it and suddenly realised it was same as Iliad. (He also reckons Odyssey is a travel back in time to...
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    Dragons everywhere you look!

    Thanks jiii, I like the (re)conciliatory way you ended that while I always seem to come across antagonistic. There are many ways intuition/instinct come into play other than just exagerated scenario of picking up a rock and humming to ones self to pull out a date from the air. Mythology and...
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    Dragons everywhere you look!

    thanks jiii, thoughts on each of your paragraphs/blocs of text (numbered in their order) minus a few unfinished ones: 2. I disagree in many cases that "dating methods are more accurate than inaccurate". The "reason they are used in 1st place" is because the aside from the oral memory evidence...
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    Dragons everywhere you look!

    Regarding (quantity/quality of) dating methods: I'm no scientist vocation wise but there are many other people incld creation-scientists who give evidence that their dating methods are flawed/unsatisfactory. Strata dates fossils, fossils date strata. Modern things give radiometric dates mills of...
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    versions of Joseph's famine around world

    Thanks wil. Yes there are other Joseph story parts other than just the storage/plenty-drought/famine episode found in other cultures mythologies. Eg the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife is in Egyptian (Bata and Anpu's wife), Mesopotamian (Gilgamesh turns down Ishtar), and a couple of others I...