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  1. T

    Is This A Qur'anic Contradiction?

    The she-camel was the "line in the sand," nothing more. Look, in modern terms the story is equivalent to something like this. A gang of hooligans are taking control of a parking lot for their criminal activities. Every time anyone outside of the gang tries to park his car they either destroy...
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    Is This A Qur'anic Contradiction?

    No contradiction. Here is a summary of Salih's story. --- Salih was sent to the people of Thamud. Water was scarce at the time, and the privileged class tried to prevent the poor and their cattle from having access to the springs and pastures. Salih told them that God had sent a Sign to the...
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    Is the God we worship a lier ?

    Fine! God did not have to give us details or to explain the physics to us children, but at least He could have gotten the sequence of events right. You know, say the same things but in the correct order. This would have been easy, right? At least, and God should know that, one presumes, when we...
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    Is Islam actually peaceful?

    Hell, I am curious as to which America is he talking about? :rolleyes:
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Re: Jesus is not God................... Ok, I've written and then erased my response many times because I cannot find a way to make not sound condescending if not a bit insulting. So I am sorry for not speaking my mind freely. All I can say simply is that in the context of God, with a capital...
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    is islam a religion of peace?

    It is disturbingly ironic that a Catholic Pope, and we all know the Catholic church's bloody history, quotes a Roman Emperor, and we all also know Roman and Christian Europe's bloody history, speaking to an audience of Germans, and we all know Germany's savage and bloody history, about how some...
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    What's wrong with the Jewish God?

    This is very interesting. Could you please expand and clarify this explanation since it is different from the common version of the history as advanced by Christianity. Maybe you, or others, have done that before. If so, please point me to the location on this site or elsewhere. It might also be...
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    Is Islam actually peaceful?

    This is a standard response in many of your posts. It seems that you do not lose sleep over much! If I may ask, are you here to discuss issues, to teach and to learn, if any, or to preach to the infidels? One last thing, just to clear things up: contrary to your standard assumptions in...
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    Is Islam actually peaceful?

    Funny enough that you bring this up. Is this Nazi contol over the sheep, I mean the masses, not what we have now in the general West, and in the US in particular? It seems that the history does repeat itself alright, literally in this case. He who lives in a house of glass...
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Re: Jesus is not God................... (emphasis added) God, or His son, or even a god, cannot suffer because as a deity He/he is assured of the end. If He is God, a beating for a couple of days and a crucifiction are equal to me shooting the universe with a 9mm bullet. That is, no effect at...
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    In the news

    Directly? None. Indirectly, people of faith influence society as citizens and as long as they do not step on other citizens' rights (and faith, I might add).
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    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    Apparently not. It took the so called "pagan" Egyptians to invent papyrus, and the Buddhist Chinese to invent and the Muslim Arabs to improve and spread paper. It seems that God favored some other people in these cases. :rolleyes:
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    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    I am a student of Egyptian history and I have many "scientific" books and videos, and I have never heard of any historian who claimed so. There are those who claim to be "biblical" historians who try to link history to the bible. It is all based on their belief reference and is garbage. Anyone...
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    Is Islam actually peaceful?

    Islam did not plunge Europe into the dark ages. Europe became dark when the Roman Empire split into two parts, East and West. The Eastern Empire, which is not European but Asian and North African, lasted till the 15th century, which is 8 centuries after the rise of Islam, and it fell largely...
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    Is Islam actually peaceful?

    The Japanese were not Muslim, and thus there is no reason to bash them. We, the free and democratic peoples of the West, only hate Muslims because we are told to hate them because they hate us because we hate them.
  16. T

    Is Islam actually peaceful?

    We win them as war trophies. You probably could buy some framed ones on eBay. Really, all Imperialist powers claimed the same "civilizing" and selfless mission. It just looks better in a history book than in daily politics. And of course, your feelings about it depend on where you fall...
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    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    Why couldn't God invent paper, it would have been easier for Moses to carry around and would have been a great sign from the Lord? :rolleyes:
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    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    You are assuming that all of this is historical, which it is not.
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    Islam & Women

    Thank you for the links. I have read some of these books a while back and was actually looking for electronic versions to be able to search, or easily quote. Thank you again.
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    What's wrong with the Jewish God?

    You better use a better example than that, since your example does not have any contradtion. Verses 109:1-6 speak of "disbelievers," Kafiroun (deniers of God), who by definition do not believe in God. Say: O disbelievers! I worship not that which ye worship; Nor worship ye that which I worship...