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  1. S

    10 commandments = mass homicide?

    I'm suggesting that there was major manslaughter during Moses' time if these punishments were really in effect, i mean how easy is it to (accidentally) curse your mother and father or work on the sabbath. Also, im curious to why Jews today practice the laws but not the punishments.
  2. S

    10 commandments = mass homicide?

    We are all familiar with the 10 Commandments, but less people are familiar with the punishments of breaking those commandments. 21:12 He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death. (King James Bible, Exodus) Exodus 22:20: He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto...
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    Christianity the only true religion?

    By true i mean "the truth, the way, and the light". Can other religions that dont believe in Christ have the same outcome (salvation) Christians?
  4. S

    Christianity the only true religion?

    I'm curious to know what fellow Christians think on the subject.
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    How can Jesus be the messiah?

    1. Before the messiah comes Elijah must VISIBLY come down from heaven. John the Baptist tells everyone he is not Elijah. Therefore anything written after the Tanahk must be false (The new testament) because of the simple fact that Elijah has not presented himself. 2. 14:11 For it is written, As...