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  1. G

    10 Teachings Shared by Most Relgions

    Friend, I do hear what you are saying. However I have a different interpretation of this. I acknowledge that some of the great teachers have professed to be the "only" truth. But consider a different view... If there is one truth, anyone who finds it, has found the One truth, right? So...
  2. G

    10 Teachings Shared by Most Relgions

    the purpose is yes, to prompote peace and understanding. if people simply focused on the similarities more than the differences, the world would be a more peaceful place. for example if more Jews Christians and Muslims would simply focus on the fact that they all worship the same God and that...
  3. G

    10 Teachings Shared by Most Relgions

    It is my understanding that Buddha did not negate these ideas, rather he said it is not useful to ponder these questions, and it is more useful to end suffering. Are you familiar with Buddha's parable of the poisoned arrow? I can send you the text. one question, if you say Buddhist...
  4. G

    10 Teachings Shared by Most Relgions

    Ten Teachings Shared by Most Religions from the book "The Message That Comes From Everywhere" 1. One God “The Lord is our God, The Lord is One” - Shema, Hebrew Prayer “Allah is One” - Koran, 112:1 “The One is Lord of all the moves” - Rig Veda III.54.8 (Hinduism) “There is only One God.” -Chief...
  5. G

    my posts do not appear....

    thanks folks. I did try to include URLs a couple times before I realized the restriction. hopefully I can shed my newbie status soon and I won't trigger any more flags. thanks again gary beckwith
  6. G

    my posts do not appear....

    admins/mods, when I first joined this forum a few weeks ago everything was working fine. now, for the last 2 weeks, none of my posts (to the comparative studies section of the forum) have been showing up. I have sent an email to the admins twice and gotten no reply. Please, someone contact me...
  7. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    Hello Mick I've tried posting URLs in my replies but this forum does not allow it until I am no longer a newbie. When I am able I will give you some links, they are readily available. In regards to what was "ignored" by the concils of Nicaea and Constantinople, it was MUCH more than simply...
  8. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    hello friend, this forum is burping a lot for me. I just replied to your post and it disappeared. to answer your question, I can't include any URLs in my posts. this is because of a rule on the forum. if I try, my post is automatically deleted and I lose all the text I typed out. after...
  9. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    First.... I am not able to post links. It is a rule on this forum. I tried, and not only did it not allow me, but also deleted an entire post I had spent a long time writing. In regards to the councils and what they "ignored." it is much more than structure of the future church. the best...
  10. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    this is not unsupported. you should not take what I say for granted, but likewise you should not assume what I say is unsupported. again there are piles of books written, many by scholars, about the Jesus-Essene connection. Just try google. If I wasn't a "newbie" here I could give you some...
  11. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    It might be "duh" to you today, but in fact, if you lived within the Holy Roman Empire 1700 years ago, you could be exiled or killed for believing that Jesus learned some of his teachings in a book. at the Councils, it was agreed that a major tenet of the official and only correct...
  12. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    hello friend, actually there are many books written on this. I just recommend that one as one I like. In fact it is a pretty common belief now that the Dead Sea Scrolls were held by the Essenes and that Jesus was taught by the Essenes at some point. Some actually believe Jesus himself was an...
  13. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    the fact that some religions do not "recognize" certain people as great teachers is besides the point. the ultimate purpose of religion is not to exault a teacher, but to inspire and teach the people. So if we focus on the teachings and not the teachers, they do agree on the most important...
  14. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    because there are specific teachings that were previously thought to be completely original and new that Jesus preached, but since the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered we now know that he got these teachings when he was trained by the Essenes. In fact we now know that at the Councils of Nicaea...
  15. G

    Which Religoin is right?

    they're all right. they all agree on so much. you are right, the Universe provides us with great teachers when we need them. Don't forget Jesus also studied the Dead Sea Scrolls with the Essenes. very important! peace