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  1. Muslimwoman

    Bill Maher interviews Asra Nomani, activist and author of "Standing Alone in Mecca"

    As a Muslim feminist I would suggest she write less and read more. She says women should have a right to an orgasm but fails to mention (perhaps she hasn't read) the Hadith which tell a husband he should not leave the marital bed until his wife is fully satisfied. FGM is cultural and the fact...
  2. Muslimwoman

    The terrorists son

    Thank you for reposting Wil, well shared. Bravo to Zak, he's very brave for speaking out.
  3. Muslimwoman

    King of Jordan speaks out

    Wil the plan go back to the 1950's, actually further back but official strategies started aroun 1953 if memory serves. To trace it back you need to look at a map of Middle East conflicts at the moment. Gen. Wesley Clark in Mar 2007 and again in Oct 2007 stated that he had seen a Pentagon memo...
  4. Muslimwoman

    Koran 5:32

    LOL I must have skipped the verse of the Quran which says you must be punished if you've become too westernised. I'm also quite impressed that he knows which parts of the Talmud were popular among Jews 1400 years ago in Arabia. Stupid propaganda.
  5. Muslimwoman

    The terrorists son

    I can't watch it Wil the link isn't working
  6. Muslimwoman

    King of Jordan speaks out

    I think Middle Eastern leaders are starting to at last wake up to the fact that the American led 'new map of the Middle East' is well under way and if they don't get more involved in fighting Daesh the who,e plan will come to pass.
  7. Muslimwoman

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    Is it indoctrination or is has it simply become a tradition? My parents put up a Christmas tree and play Christmas carols but they are both atheists, so they are certainly not trying to indoctrinate anyone. Malls play Christmas carols because it makes people spend more (good old capitalism).
  8. Muslimwoman

    islam, abraham?

    70 excuses comes from Hamdun al-Qassar, narrated by Imam Bayhaqi in his Shu`ab al-Iman “"If a friend among your friends errs, make seventy excuses for them. If your hearts are unable to do this, then know that the shortcoming is in your own selves…". We know from the Prophet (pbuh) he would...
  9. Muslimwoman

    islam, abraham?

    You seem very fond of the word hypocrite. I assume you mean views you don't personally agree with.
  10. Muslimwoman

    islam, abraham?

    Wa alaikum Salam You make many assumptions. I was never a Jew. I use G-d because this is an interfaith forum and I try to respect others beliefs as well as my own.
  11. Muslimwoman

    islam, abraham?

    Zina = sex outside marriage, including adultery
  12. Muslimwoman

    islam, abraham?

    Well to be fair in Islam we are told to make 70 excuses for our brother, is that also a major flaw in accountability? To be honest this is an issue the Muslim world really needs to look at IMO ... why so many choose to take the most severe path. An example, women are still being stoned for...
  13. Muslimwoman

    Is ISIS/Taliban/etc. Muslim...

    I'm genuinely curious as to why you call it Christian Indoctrination BigJoe?
  14. Muslimwoman

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Many of these issues are a mixture of Hadith and culture. For example there is a Hadith which says divorce shakes the throne of Allah. Talk to people from Pakistan who would rather see a woman stay married to an abusive husband or a man who abandoned her 10 years ago than 'shame the family' and...
  15. Muslimwoman

    Eid Celebration Traditions...

    Salam alaikum Amica. Which Eid would you like to know about, I assume you mean Eid Al fitr? Personally in both Egypt and Saudi for Eid Al Fitr hubby and I go late at night on the last day of Ramadan to pay zakat. The next morning we rise, have breakfast and go to the community prayer, which...
  16. Muslimwoman

    Question About Mahram and Non-Mahram Relationships

    Salam alaikum Amica. First we need to understand where the issue of not marrying cousins came from in Europe. It was first banned by the Catholic Church at the Council of Agde in 506 AD, but only lasted for a short time and the practice of marrying cousins then continued ... until the mid 19th...
  17. Muslimwoman

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Correct. From Allah we come and to Him we return. One of the most important concepts in Islam is the understanding and remembering of Allah in everything. Every morning we wake up and say Alhamdulillah (thanks to Allah) for another day of life, when something good or bad happens to us we say...
  18. Muslimwoman

    Still around?

    Yea Wil that is the translation
  19. Muslimwoman

    islam, abraham?

    Wil I am sure many things in the Old Testament need to be read in context and were time appropriate, same with the Quran and if Christians wish to bin the Old Testament that's up to them, yay for peace. My example was only to show that people pick and choose which parts of scripture they want to...
  20. Muslimwoman

    UK pensioner Karl Andree faces 360 lashes over Saudi wine

    Oh let's be honest here, the wealthy class in virtually all countries get away with things we wouldn't, good heavens OJ Simpson was found not guilty lol. Saudi is no different, it's one law for us and one for them. Doesn't make it right, just how humans tend to act everywhere. As for lashings...