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  1. M

    Theosophical Hierarchy

    ChristianMyst, Thank you for a most interesting opening paragraph. You had confused me again. I did manage, at first to overcome my slumber towards the end of the first paragraph. I did come to understand what you were saying. I rather be limited and humble then to jump into insanity by...
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    ChristianMyst, Firstly I will have to say that you were not very clear in your posting and I would recommend that in future posts that you make simple your sentences, and most importantly get straight to the point to avoid confusion on my behalf. I do not indeed or willing set out 'to set...
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Br.Bruce Yes he has Andre
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Br.Bruce I am Bruce. I am curious, why do you ask? Andre
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Re: -----====@_@====----- Nick the Pilot, I have never heard of the astral body. It sounds extremely interesting. Andre
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Nick the Pilot, I have not been on the Internet for about a week and so I must apologise. I have read the quotations you gave and will answer them with the below. I will not go into great detail. 1: We hold that the universe is indeed filled with bountiful amounts of light, however there is a...
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Nick the Pilot, I had nothing to folow up on. Next topic? Andre
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    NICK THE PILOT; Nick the Pilot, you said, "The Sun will burn itself out in a few zillion years. It would seem your system would halt at that time. Such a system seems to lack permanency." I say: Yes, I am aware that since the sun is material and therefore it is temperal and will not endure for...
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Re: -----====ooo000ooo====----- Nick The Pilot, I agree that our time will eventually will expire. On the otherhand, I see that the planet is permament. This planet is one of seven planets and so instead of going to a new planet we are to move unto one of the seven other planets. This planet...
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Re: -----====ooo000ooo====----- Nick the Pilot I just have not detailed the full doctrine of the O.N.E (Order of Nazorean Essenes) but whereas naturally I commented by my understaning vary then go on for ages. I would love to continue unto further topics. Andre
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Nick the Pilot, I have not heard of the seven-fold nature of man. It is sound to say that " "The four lower aspects are discarded at the end of each incarnation. The three higher aspects survive, spending time in Devachan between incarnations, and re-linking with new copies of the four lower...
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Nick the Pilot Straightforward posting you put up so I have no questions. I did mean to have posted this yesterday. You said:"This is perhaps similar to the Theosophical idea of a high, light-filled Angel now rejected by Christianity and called Satan." I say: Satan is treated a name for a...
  13. M

    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Nick the Pilot, You said:"I would not say unlimited, but the chances go on for millions of years. Theosophy teaches that all of us humans are supposed to reach Nirvana by the end of the Earth, yet there will be a few people who do not make it. After that, the next "Earth" will be set up, and...
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    Creation vs. Evolution vs. "Emanationism"

    Tao, Sorry I had misunderstood Manichaean Teachings of the Order of Nazorean Essenes. A time period of 448,000 years is said to be allocated to humanity, whilst on earth. So, therefore the universe was created by emanation (that is creation by either a greater being or free radicals in the...
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    Creation vs. Evolution vs. "Emanationism"

    Nick the Pilot, I would stand by that the universe was created (the universe as we know it) by emanation about 443,367BC, 445,374 years ago. I am sure that the universe (that we do not know) before the emanation was existent in its pre-emanated form. Andre
  16. M

    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Nick the Pilot, You said:"Here is where you and I disagree. Even people from Hell should be allowed to reincarnate. In Theosophy, almost everyone has the right to make progress and eventually end up in Nirvana, no matter how bad they have been. (One of the things I like about Theosophy is that...
  17. M

    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Nick the Pilot, You said:"Here is where you and I disagree. Even people from Hell should be allowed to reincarnate. In Theosophy, almost everyone has the right to make progress and eventually end up in Nirvana, no matter how bad they have been. (One of the things I like about Theosophy is that...
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*- Nick the Pilot, You said:"Here is where you and I disagree. Even people from Hell should be allowed to reincarnate. In Theosophy, almost everyone has the right to make progress and eventually end up in Nirvana, no...
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*- :) Nick the Pilot I will keep back to you after the weekend. I did type my posting but it has not appeared. Andre PS I will type a responce posting on monday.
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    Theosophical Hierarchy

    Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*- :) Nick the Pilot, You said: "Here is where you and I disagree. Even people from Hell should be allowed to reincarnate. In Theosophy, almost everyone has the right to make progress and eventually end up in Nirvana, no...