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  1. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    Since the moderator has not permitted me to continue posting in this forum, and since I have better things to do than keep checking back here for permission -- I'm in the process of moving to another city -- I'll be saying goodbye and ceasing my activities in this forum. Anyone who wishes to...
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    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    You are not. As I've said, my position is that I have been respectful and have not been bashing Christians, and it is my intention to continue as I have been doing, should I be permitted to continue posting in this forum. As moderator of this forum, do you so permit me? Yes or no?
  3. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    Excuse me, Joshua, but that does not appear to be the case. What you said was, Just so I'm clear, in spite of those words, am I allowed to continue posting in this forum? Of course there is the provisio that I am nice and respectful, but my position is that I have consistently been so...
  4. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    I'm confused. First you tell me to leave, then you tell me to stop insulting the Christians, which so far as I can tell I have not been doing to begin with -- unless, that is, Christians find probing questions insulting. Which is the case? If, as a moderator, you're ordering me to cease...
  5. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    Just so I'm absolutely clear, Quahom -- are you, in your role as moderator of this forum, ordering me to cease posting in the Christianity forum?
  6. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    How long should he wait, and what form will these instructions take?
  7. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    You do realize that a test works both ways, right? That is, if shadowman gets on his knees and prays sincerely for forgiveness -- or whatever it is you says he has to do -- and nothing happens, then that would prove your theory wrong. Are you willing to give up your Christianity if the test is...
  8. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    You know, Pico, for a supposedly omnipotent being your god certainly has a lot of restrictions placed on his capabilities -- he HAS to do this, he HAS to do that, he CAN'T do this, he CAN'T do that, etc. I'm wondering what the precise biblical basis is for all of these restrictions. I'm also...
  9. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    If God's will was for you to kill innocent babies, would you do so? (And don't bother saying that God would never do such a thing, for that neccesitates a certain knowledge of God's thoughts, which according to Pico is impossible to have.)
  10. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    So that's how you've "tested out" the factual inerrancy of the Bible? By that warm, fuzzy feeling inside you when you think about God? Would you be offended if I said that wasn't good enough?
  11. S

    can we agree that tormenting people for all time is wrong no matter what?

    Well most atheists are WILLING to believe in God, given ample evidence, but one could hardly say that they have faith in God. If atheists have deliberately and knowingly hardened their hearts toward and turned away from God, should they not have turned away from his moral precepts as well? How...
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    Silly Poll

    Speech is not a sense. I voted for it anyway. I'm a big cheater. :)
  13. S

    can we agree that tormenting people for all time is wrong no matter what?

    What, then, is faith? Well then you can tell us why there are so many open-hearted people in Europe and the Americas, and so many hard-hearted people in Asia and Africa. Also, to repeat a question I asked earlier, why are there so many morally good atheists in the world? By your reasoning they...
  14. S

    free will...

    The usual response to that is that the people who end up in heaven are the people who would freely choose to never sin. So the question is, if Heaven can be populated with people who freely choose never to sin, why can't Earth? Is it a necessary testing ground to weed out the non-sinners from...
  15. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    Wouldn't any sane person rather be a robot in eternal bliss, than a free agent in eternal torment?
  16. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    I'm not talking about testing God -- I'm takling about testing the Bible, and your faith. The Bible also says, "test everything, and hold fast to that which is good." Now you say you've done that with respect to the historical events in a historial Garden of Eden involving a historical Adam...
  17. S

    can we agree that tormenting people for all time is wrong no matter what?

    I didn't say proof. I said demonstrations that the prophecies are flawed and that inconsistencies and errors exist. I can't PROVE that the Bible is errant in the sense that, whatever I say, you couldn't simply fall back on a logical possibility of inerrancy and a pre-existing faith. What I can...
  18. S

    can we agree that tormenting people for all time is wrong no matter what?

    Well then why would anyone with a modicum of rationality accept God, even at the expense of a bruised ego, knowing full well that the alternative is eternal torture? But according to you, no such people exist -- remember, you stated that God has planted knowledge of himself into everyone's...
  19. S

    why does god punish flawed creatures that he made forever

    How exactly did you "test out" that particular bit?
  20. S

    can we agree that tormenting people for all time is wrong no matter what?

    How is the revelation you received from "the spirit" different from the revelation Muslins receive that the Qu'ran is God's word? If I demonstrated to you that the prophecies you mentioned were all flawed, that the inconsistencies were largely valid, and that there are a number of historical...