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    Hot Button Topic: Islam and Peace

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    Hot Button Topic: Islam and Peace

    Islam's lack of logic?? Would you be so kind as to more specificially point out the illogical teachings/propositions that Islam puts forth? I dont think religion has anything special to it that allows manipulation. Its not like being secular makes you any less likely to be manipulated...
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    Hot Button Topic: Islam and Peace

    Well, your making up the 'others need to be shown it' bit: "And say: 'The truth is from your Lord.". Then whosoever wills, let him believe; and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve" (18:28). I think I speak on behalf of all the monothestic religions when I say that there is no compulsion in...
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    Hot Button Topic: Islam and Peace

    Thats a good point: life would be better without any wars. But I guess its not as simple as that. Its the greed and selfishness for power and dominance in humans beings that needs to be controlled. Thats wat creates the wars. Take the US for example, clearly the world's most powerful nation, but...
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    Hot Button Topic: Islam and Peace

    Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters... May the Almighty guide us all to the Truth. Thats a very interesting observation you make there. It can be quite easily resolved though by quoting the entire verse from the Qur'an instead of just a part of it: "Because of that We ordained for the...