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  1. B

    Baha'i confused about Mohammad

    Here is another quotation from Baha'i teachings about Muhammad: For 1,300 years, Christians and Mussulmans have been quarrelling, when with very little effort their differences and disputes could be overcome and peace and harmony could exist between them and the world could be at rest! In...
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    Baha'i confused about Mohammad

    In "Some Answered Questions", 'Abdu'l-Baha explains the justification of Muhammad's military expeditions: MUHAMMAD Now we come to Muhammad. Americans and Europeans have heard a number of stories about the Prophet which they have thought to be true, although the narrators were either ignorant...
  3. B

    Baha'i confused about Mohammad

    'Abdu'l-Baha gives this explanation of the severe punishments for crimes that were taught by Moses and by Muhammad: Moses lived in the wilderness of Sinai where crime necessitated direct punishment. There were no penitentiaries or penalties of imprisonment. Therefore, according to the...