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  1. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Hi,Muslimwoman,again "thanks" for the post and I have Pathless to thank for both recommending and giving me instructions how to implement the Avatar! The info about the Sufis was interesting-I had always seen them as the more "mystical" side of Islam,in the same way that the Kabbalah is for...
  2. soulchaos

    Like a circle in a spiral,like a wheel within a wheel...

    Hi,Wil,thanks for the link-I'll follow it up...Does it "matter" which way round you go to connect to the Source/the Earth? I've seen dervishes in Cairo,but it was a long time ago and I was so mesmerised I didn't notice the direction! I understood that the dervishes danced with one hand raised(to...
  3. soulchaos

    Like a circle in a spiral,like a wheel within a wheel...

    Hi,I've just become interested in Sufism(please bear with me!)and understand that the whirling dervishes spin in their dances both to go into a trance-like state(the easier to commune with the Divine),and also to emulate the spiral motif present throughout Nature-right from the sub-atomic...
  4. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Oh,pathless! That photo looks like incriminating evidence(LOL!) It has shades of Maria making the kids new outfits from curtains in the Sound of Music.... And so God-like in the dancing(moving in mysterious ways).:rolleyes:
  5. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Praise be to pathless-give that man a chocolate watch(you ARE male,aren't you? Forgive me if I've got it wrong....) Well,that's one small step for a soul-chaos,one giant leap for soul-chaos kind. The logo reminds me of those Chinese "fighting star" things that are used for throwing at persons...
  6. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Hi,pathless! Thanks for the post and the chaos symbol...I'd love to use it,but I'm not very computer literate-how would I go about making that my Avatar?
  7. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Hi,Muslimwoman,thanks for the post-also Bob.... To Muslimwoman-I'm actually from Cheltenham,but have lived for 26 years in Scotland.I ended up in Glasgow via Houston,New York and Aberdeen(long story!)-the first for work,the second for sight-seeing and the third for "love",then onto Glasgow for...
  8. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Hi,Muslimwomam-thanks for the post...Whereabouts in Cumbria are you from? I have fond memories of a holiday there last year(Cartmel Abbey etc). Have also been to Cairo(pyramids of Giza,Sakkara.Memphis etc)
  9. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Hi,17th Angel! Where does your pal Enlightenment live now? And isn't it crowded in Liz Vicious' closet? I'm not from Glasgow myself-originally from Cheltenham,but have lived in Scotland for 26 years...(two in Aberdeen) And Brian 1....I sort of "know" Inversneckie from years ago-a previous...
  10. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Hi,and thanks to those who have welcomed me(even Wil-LOL!) To Wil-my moniker comes from Nietsche(I think...)who averts that:"one must have chaos in one's soul in order to give birth to a dancing star". To my mind,a certain amount of order is necessary to live one's(Earthly)life,but there's a...
  11. soulchaos

    Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

    Hi,I've just joined the site today...Is there anybody "out there" who lives in the same area as me? I'd like to PM/e-mail or even meet people to discuss Life,The Universe and Everything with.... Similarly,I've been looking for a local course or regular group which covers comparative...