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  1. B

    What do you think?

    Hi again Nick, Thank you for the link, I read the page and thankfully I have never experienced anything that terrifying, I would not be able to handle something like that Suzy Smith must be a very extraordinary woman. The worst it has ever got for me is the stero being turned on in the middle...
  2. B

    What do you think?

    Arrrrrgggghhhh this site is driving me mad, I just looked at the page about Suzy Smith and wrote a reply, it wouldn't let me post is so I tried to copy it, highlighted it and there was no option to copy, I am too thick to own a computer, why was there no option to copy, I pressed refresh instead...
  3. B

    What do you think?

    Gday Greymare thank you for the welcome, I did do an intro, complete with photo (VERY clever for me! lol) in the intro section last Fri I think it was but it's still not there. XXXXX Hi Nick, Have you studied couselling? I love it and know all about dragging out all your garbage so to speak...
  4. B

    What do you think?

    Hi Kim, Thank you for your lovely letter and warm welcome, I have just spent another half an hour replying to you to have lost what I wrote AGAIN! I copied it as suggested by a few of you then logged back in, which was hard to do because the site said I was already logged in, and when I hit...
  5. B

    What do you think?

    Thank you Nick for all your replies and for the offer of help with any computer problems I may have, I have to say you may live to regret that offer lol, I am an idiot with technology and anything with a plug on hates me. To answer your question yes I suppose I could attend their services...
  6. B

    What do you think?

    Thank you Nick and Kim for your lovely replies, I do intend to reply in more detail, but I am a bit reluctant to try until I get a reply from the moderators. I did reply, at length, to your replies last night and when I clicked 'post quick reply' a message came up saying I did not have...
  7. B

    What do you think?

    Hello Snoopy thank you for your welcome and reply, I love Doreen Virtue's work. Hi Flow thank you for taking the time to reply, your words are the same as what I have been thinking, myself all day which is 'both-and' I don't want to lable myself, Angel Hugs to you both Rebecca X
  8. B

    hello I am new here

    Hello, my name is Rebecca I am 38 (39 next month) I am from Manchester UK but live in Marbella, Spain with my boyfriend and my beloved Saint Bernard her name is Clara Bow. I am a self employed nail technician in a hairdressing salon. I am also a counsellor of person centred psychotherapy and...
  9. B

    What do you think?

    Hello I am new here and have been lurking since yesterday, I like this place there appears to be many lovely, warm, intelligent and amusing people here so hello to you all. I am posting to ask your thoughts on why you think any form of faith healing would work on one person and not on another...