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  1. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    Wait. Have I been lied to? I was told by the veg. books I read that 1. the carnivore intestine is shorter than ours and herbivores so that the meat can move through faster;2. that the carnivore's stomach acid is much stronger than ours and herbivores in order to break down the meat faster;3...
  2. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    So, what exactly is the relationship between Buddhism and veganism(the meat industry foisted the word vegetarian on us)? Why did I get the impression that Buddhists were associated with veganism? While we're at it, what about Hindus? Thanks, Leonard
  3. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    quote: "Video shows that a kosher slaughter(go to youtube) is not quick and painless: the animal is seen to be conscious for minutes after the slash. you need to be aware of the source of these videos - documentation of one breach of the halakhah and the ethics is not proof that this is a)...
  4. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    I should add 3 rabbinical phrases to buttress my position: 1. Bal Tashchit(do not waste). The rabbis infer from the law in the Tora about not cutting down trees when layng siege to a city, that waste of any kind is a sin. The examples the rabbis give(in the Talmud) go to absurd lenghths to...
  5. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    Sheitl, let's remove the sheitl: The evidence from the Tora(s)? 1. Written Law: Gen. 1:28,29: animals and man's diet is to be plant based. By the way, this is one of the three original blessings(along with procreation and dominion/subduing); so is it any wonder the world is in such bad...
  6. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    Why I'm a vegetarian(I don't like the word vegan; it sounds like someone from the star system of Vega. To me, if you eat eggs and milk, then you are not a vegetarian, because meat and milk are not VEGETables!- fish to me is ok, except for the dolphins,etc. caught in those large nets; also...
  7. L

    Is the Spirit of Judaism dead?

    This is maybe to offend, or maybe not(who knows?): Why do you care?
  8. L

    Moses' sin

    I can't give over a website, for some reason. That's where I got this information- except the part about Elijah and Elisha. The name of the website is tanach study center(menachem leibtag): go to parshat "Chukat"(a portion from Bamidbar/Numbers) and click on Did Moshe Really Sin(part 1 and 2)
  9. L

    Moses' sin

    Go here: Tanach Study Center - Chukat then go to part 2 after.
  10. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    Messianic Age/no meat? Unfortunately, the main tradition has animal sacrifices being conducted in a Third Temple(Ezekiel's, which had provisions for animal sacrifices). But then, there's the tradition that "the lamb will lie down with the wolf... and no more destruction on My holy...
  11. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    It's a Jewish forum. I'm not an expert in other religions. I heard Hindus and Buddhists and 7th day adventists, and Sikhs? don't eat meat, but I'm not sure they do it for the same reasons as Jews do it. I'd like to know why these religions don't consume meat though. Anyway, If you(a Jew) knew...
  12. L

    Moses' sin

    Go here for this explanation that influenced me on this matter: Tanach Study Center - Chukat I think most people think of the Moses of Exodus(the book in the Bible) and not the Moses in the book of Numbers. There is a difference.
  13. L

    I think Jews shouldn't consume animals.

    Let's start a dialogue about this.
  14. L

    Moses' sin

    Maybe if you stop looking only at the narrow FINAL event in the series, the answer will be apparent. There are many stories leading up to this. Moses used to defend the Israelites to God when they grumbled. Then he "slowly" gets short tempered with them. This is not the leadership quality...