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  1. C

    Modern Economics: Natural or Social Science?

    I think that one of the most serious failings in American educational system is that we do not learn some of the most fundamental matters such as "what is science". We make such fundamental issues as “science” into an ideology and thus fail to comprehend fundamental issues. I conclude that...
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    Modern Economics: Natural or Social Science?

    Modern Economics: Natural or Social Science? Economics is a natural science because natural science is about the study of objects rather than subjects. Labor, land, and money, the basic elements of economics, are all commodities of modern economics (objects of commerce), i.e. humans are...
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    Why do Social Theories Become Ideologies?

    I am not scared but worried that I must have made a mistake!
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    Why do Social Theories Become Ideologies?

    Why do Social Theories Become Ideologies? An ideology is systematically biased by its assumptions and it constantly must protect its assumptions from erosion if it is to maintain the status of its ideology. For Marx the ideologist becomes a constant apologist for his ideology. An uncritical...
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    Greed is a Character Trait not an Emotion!

    Greed is a Character Trait not an Emotion! Greed is a habit formed through constant repetition. It is an act of will. Emotion, also called instinct, is a product of natural selection. Only the human animal is greedy. What is character? Character is the network of habits that permeate all...
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    How can I learn my optional illusions?

    How can I learn my optional illusions? How can I reject my optional illusions? In the dialogue “Apology” Plato writes about Socrates while in the dungeon just before drinking the hemlock that the citizens of Athens condemned him to be executed. In the dungeon shortly before drinking from...
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    Natural Science “don allow no meaning in here”!

    I think that it means that Corporate America has control of our educational system and uses that system to produce graduates who are trained to focus brain power only upon those matters that enhance production and consumption.
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    Natural Science “don allow no meaning in here”!

    Natural Science “don allow no meaning in here”! Natural science clears the land before it builds its structures. NATURAL SCIENCE IS BULLDOZIER might be a useful linguistic metaphor for comprehending how the natural sciences function. The first thing that a Normal Science (as defined by...
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    Does Natural Science Encourage a Narrow Mind?

    A person can walk the corridors of any big city hospital and observe the effectiveness of human rationality in action. One can also visit the UN building in NYC or read the morning papers and observe just how ineffective, frustrating and disappointing human rationality can be. Why does human...
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    Does Natural Science Encourage a Narrow Mind?

    Does Natural Science Encourage a Narrow Mind? Paradigm directed science encourages the scientist to steadfastly adhere to carefully crafted narrow minded thinking. Because “normal science” has been so successful in achieving its narrow goals I claim that our whole society has become...
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    The Oil Spill is Only a Symptom

    What is this disease to which I allude? There is a chain of cause and effect in many things and it is difficult to determine the sui generis of this chain of reaction. I shall just take the present obvious effect to define our (American) disease to be our uncritical faith in laissez-faire...
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    The Oil Spill is Only a Symptom

    The problems that the world faces dwarf anything that this oil spill might cause. This lack of citizen’s appreciation regarding the problems that we face is in itself part of the great dangers on the horizon. If the citizens haven't the sophistication to "see" the problems then they certainly...
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    The Oil Spill is Only a Symptom

    The Oil Spill is Only a Symptom The Gulf oil spill is a minor skin rash that is of great importance primarily because it signals us of the presence of a disease capable of destroying our civilization. The herd is stampeding toward the cliffs and there is an unsophisticated horde of riders...
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    Flag: Making the Abstract Concrete

    A steady diet of Twinkies and chips leads to a fat gut and a steady diet of sound bites and bumper stickers leads to a fat head.
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    Flag: Making the Abstract Concrete

    Our (American) educational system has left us with many learning handicaps. It has damaged our curiosity, our desire to learn, and our self-reliance. If we were to try we could overcome these handicaps. The solution is just around the corner if only we had the courage to challenge our tradition...
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    Flag: Making the Abstract Concrete

    I think that symbols, like flags, appeal primarily to the emotions. Manipulation of the emotions is the primary means for manipulating the naive and manipulating the naive is necessary for power within a democracy such as we have in America. "Tea" is such a symbol and we can see how this...
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    Evolution has not prepared us for this

    Yes, very good!
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    Flag: Making the Abstract Concrete

    Flag: Making the Abstract Concrete The flag is a symbol of an ideology; a symbol is an act, sound, or objects having cultural significance and the capacity to excite an emotional response. Ideology often reifies, i.e. making into an object an abstract idea, for the purpose of concretizing a...
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    Psychoanalysis is Quantum Mechanics

    It is a hypothesis of SGCS (Second Generation Cognitive Science) that the sensorimotor activity of collecting objects by a child constitute a conceptual metaphor at the neural level leading to a primary metaphor that ‘arithmetic is object collection’. The arithmetic teacher attempting to teach...
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    Evolution has not prepared us for this

    Concrete concepts are natural abstract concepts are not natural they are artificial.