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  1. nightsoul

    Gender Identity in Religion

    You've been making a lot of vague references to "karma" and "the way the universe works" and especially, the "consequences" of my "choices" and my implied lack of "self-restraint." What you carefully avoid acknowledging is that hostility and discrimination and occasionally, violence that...
  2. nightsoul

    Gender Identity in Religion

    For the record, i am a Jew. Am i safe in assuming that by "pay the piper," you mean that G-d will punish me for my sins?
  3. nightsoul

    Gender Identity in Religion

    "Just because one can find a way to justify homosexual behavior does *not* mean it is a healthy choice of behavior." Ah, i's the health risks you're concerned about. Actually, the point of my post was to point out highly selective and hypocritical use of sacred texts to justify...
  4. nightsoul

    Gender Identity in Religion

    The bible calls homosexuality an abomination, but then again, it refers to the eating of shellfish as an abomination too. Yet, strangely, i don't see anyone trying to enact legislation to prevent Red Lobster or Long John Silver's from peaceably going about their business.
  5. nightsoul

    Gender Identity in Religion

    Eeeeesh. First off, the term "gender identity" is being used incorrectly here. Gender identity refers to one's own sense of being male or female, in the psychological sense, as opposed to the physical. It was originally used in reference to gender reassignment surgery. It is not the same as...
  6. nightsoul

    King Solomons mines

    :) The commentary posts are worth the price of admission....
  7. nightsoul

    Thanks for the tip, Dauer. :) i've been meaning to tell you that your conversations with...

    Thanks for the tip, Dauer. :) i've been meaning to tell you that your conversations with Bananabrain have been wonderful to read and gave me the courage to start posting in the first place. Thank you for making me feel at home.
  8. nightsoul

    Quick question about Jewish law

    on seeing a rainbow: ...zokher haberit vene’eman bivrito v’kaiyam bema’amaro (who remembers the covenant, is faithful, and keeps His word) ...because the rainbow was given to be “l'ot brit” (for a sign of the covenant) between the G-d and the earth to keep it from destruction by deluge. Genesis...
  9. nightsoul


    Hi Netti-Netti and Seattlegal, i guess the easiest place to start would be contrasting (some) Jewish ideas of sin with (some) Christian ones. Please understand that i'm going to be making generalizations for the purpose of discussion based on my understanding of the main themes of both...
  10. nightsoul


    Hi Netti-Netti and Seattlegal, i guess the easiest place to start would be contrasting (some) Jewish ideas of sin with (some) Christian ones. Please understand that i'm going to be making generalizations for the purpose of discussion based on my understanding of the main themes of both...
  11. nightsoul

    Hi Snoopy. ;)

    Hi Snoopy. ;)
  12. nightsoul


    Tao_Equus: Of course I do not view my 'sins' as sins but pleasure seeking. i couldn't agree more, Tao. Only a G-d who delights in pleasure would create all those intricate nerve-endings. :)
  13. nightsoul


    Thank you for the welcome, seattlegal. "Missing the mark" is the concept of sin i'm most familiar with, being jewish (post-denominational variety). i've been thinking a lot about it since we're coming out of the High Holy Days, all about atonement...or "at-one-ment" as our rabbi says. i'm not so...
  14. nightsoul

    Tao, thank you. i am interested in all of it, of course, from the spurious to the sublime. ;)

    Tao, thank you. i am interested in all of it, of course, from the spurious to the sublime. ;)
  15. nightsoul

    Dailoque, thank you for your warm welcome. i look very much forward to learning and sharing...

    Dailoque, thank you for your warm welcome. i look very much forward to learning and sharing ideas with you, as i am also a seeker of peace. :)
  16. nightsoul


    Sorry, i'm new here. Please define sin.
  17. nightsoul

    :) Thank you very much, Alex.

    :) Thank you very much, Alex.