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  1. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    A person is defined by his words and actions, is he not? So, this post, my words, define some part of me. Yes, my belief is that Jesus was defined by the Bible. He was the Bible. However illogical that may seem. :)
  2. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    The fact that God has existed forever is also illogical. Does that make it less true? I think you've misunderstood something, if the Word was God, it did not precede Him. After all, the Word is Truth, and Truth has existed as long as God has existed, but certainly could not have existed without...
  3. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    The four canonical Gospels (the Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke and Gospel of John) were written between 65 and 100 AD.
  4. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; [Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. ... But the...
  5. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    The Gospel was written within years after Jesus' death and resurrection. By the same generation that lived during his time at earth.
  6. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    The Spirit of Truth does not speak on his own. Did Muhammad never utter a word that was not from God himself? He surely must have. He gave us all the gift of the Holy Spirit, and it was this Spirit that the Prophets foretold what was to come. The Holy Spirit speaks only the Word of God, and...
  7. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    Christians belive that the Spirit of Truth was the Holy Spirit, with Spirit being the keyword. As for the Deuteronomy 18:18, it speaks of the Jews, that a Prophet will be risen among their brethren. How do you relate this to Muhammad? The word used in that very sentence, which is often...
  8. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    Jesus was sent to the Jews, but His message was delivered to all of the world through His followers. The Gospel does after all preach salvation to anyone, regardless if they are Jews or not. About that verse, I fail to see how that particular verse relates to the comming of Muhammad. Sure you...
  9. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    I'm not sure if I really get your point, Bishadi. What made Jesus, being the Messiah, different from the other prophets? From my assumption, the Islam view of a Messiah would be the same as the Jewish? Also, the Scripture, the Psalms and the Gospel are all holy books of Islam. Psalms 2...
  10. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    But what exactly do Islam mean with this term? The Prophets described him as the saviour. The Jews expected him to rise Israel back to it's former glory. Christians believe he was sacrificed at the cross, and rose from death, to save us from our sins. What did the Muslims expect this special...
  11. H

    Jesus - Messaih?

    In Islam, Jesus is described as the Messiah, but I cannot find anywhere in the Qur'an which explains -why- he is described as this. Can anyone enlighten me on this?