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  1. rebis

    Penguins under threat!

    He did a good acting job in "Farce of the Penguins" though. He played the one who smoked too much dope and didn't want to go to the breeding grounds.
  2. rebis

    A Legitimate Concern for 2012?

    I saw an interesting piece of fiction at the theater this weekend named “Knowing.” Interestingly enough it depicted the end of days being climaxed with a sort of solar super-flare. Scientifically do-able, if one were prone to worrying about such things. They also chose to depict it as occurring...
  3. rebis

    Global waning

    The thing that struck me about Global Warming/Climate Change is that there was so much concern over an 1.7° change in average temperature over 200 years. Any 10-year old know that weather is cyclic, but it does not take much of a brain surgeon to conclude that our ability to measure temperature...
  4. rebis

    Can we bargain with God ?

    Who among us has not played the "let's make a deal" game? The true test of character is whether or not you make good on your end of the bargain. It seems to me that G-d has kept up his end without exception. I am not sure my record is so good...
  5. rebis


    Sabbath is a derivative of the Hebrew word shabbat, meaning seventh. Saturday is physically the 7th day, thus the Sabbath day. Sunday was never considered "the Sabbath," but became the accepted day of worship when the Roman Catholic Church decreed it as such in the 6th Century. As alluded to in...
  6. rebis

    Jewish gays ?

    ...and what about if it is not circumcised? Wish you hadn't started this now? This thread is doomed!
  7. rebis

    Christians: Do you accept the supernatural and the miracles of the NT?

    The problem I have is not disbelief in the ‘super-natural,’ but more a concern about how certain events themselves were interpreted and how the descriptions of them were manipulated by the Roman Catholic Church for centuries. I am not implying a conspiracy, but there is a clear picking and...
  8. rebis

    You say potato, Day Quayle says potatoe.

    You say potato, Day Quayle says potatoe.
  9. rebis

    That’s philosophy for ya!

    My definition of philosophy would be "Making the attempt to answer the really interesting questions." Perhaps it was best defined in Mel Brook’s History of the World when Comrcus applied for unemployment compensation and the attendant asked him, “What is your former line of work.” He answered...