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  1. Darkwolf

    What form does the Goddess have?

    I see the Gods as individual beings with their own personalities, but they are also part of a greater whole: One and Many at the same time.
  2. Darkwolf

    What form does the Goddess have?

    While I wouldn't consider myself neo-Pagan, I do worship Goddesses (and Gods) in my religion. The Goddesses I most relate to are Nut, Hethert (Hathor) and Bast. Nut is a sky Goddess, and I most often see her as the night sky filled with stars. Energy wise she feels very big, like the vastness of...
  3. Darkwolf

    Points of Intersection?

    The idea of someone imposing their religion on me is guaranteed to get my hackles up. :) Freedom of religion is something I hold very high in my ideals. While I wouldn't go so far as to require a test on religion, I do think there should be more education, such as a world religions class in...
  4. Darkwolf

    What happens after death?

    Yep, I worship them. :) I'm Kemetic, a follower of ancient Egyptian religion. Some of my post on the afterlife is just my own beliefs and interpretation, but the judgement by weighing the heart is Kemetic.
  5. Darkwolf

    Points of Intersection?

    You are JUST AS BAD as the people you dislike so much. You suggest taking away religious freedom and imposing your ideal of religion on everyone, JUST LIKE extremist Christians, Muslims, ect. If you and your supporters try to implement such a plan, I will fight you every step of the way. I...
  6. Darkwolf

    What happens after death?

    I believe that after death, your heart is weighed against the feather of Truth. If your heart is light, you pass into paradise where you can rest or reincarnate by your choice. You can also visit earth to see loved ones. If your heart is heavy with bad deeds and thoughts, you can not go to...
  7. Darkwolf

    Points of Intersection?

    Some general comments on the thread: To me, a religion without myths and symbols would feel very empty. There seems to be an assumption by some people (and not just on this forum) that because my myths are different from other's myths, I must think I am right and they are wrong. This is not...
  8. Darkwolf

    Call For Unity

    Hello, I may be misreading you, so please let me know if I am. What this sounds like to me is "C'mon Christians, Muslims and Jewish people, let's all get together and play nice. We have lots in common, after all. We shouldn't be fighting each other. Our real enemy is those Other People...
  9. Darkwolf

    Traditional: right or wrong reasons?

    To be honest, I don't like the idea of a "one world religion". I like diversity. I think it would be more valueable to focus on getting along dispite our differences. My dream is of a world where we can practice and believe differently without harassing each other, degrading each other, or...
  10. Darkwolf

    Traditional: right or wrong reasons?

    I agree that age or authorship does not indicate worth. I don't care if someone made up their religion 10 minutes ago, as long as they are honest about it. How meaningful it is to them (or others) and how they apply it is what's important.
  11. Darkwolf

    Traditional: right or wrong reasons?

    The ancient Egyptains were fond of this, too. Some texts have a heading that says so-and-so found an old worm eaten papyrus and copied the information down to preserve it. The evidence suggests "so-and-so" wrote it himself.
  12. Darkwolf

    Religion vs Philosophy?

    One could say this about some religions, but not all. My religion encourages questions. Indeed, if most of the members of my religious group did not question things, they would not belong to the group in the first place. They would still be Christian (or whatnot).
  13. Darkwolf

    Zen Death Poetry

    Em Hotep (in peace) Vajradhara, I like those. :) Especially the Dogen one.
  14. Darkwolf

    Why are the Virtues not enough?

    I just had to say, this was put so well.
  15. Darkwolf

    Khufu's Pyramid Ressurection

    Ideas of an afterlife stretch back before recorded history. The ancient Egyptians were originally buried in simple pit graves with a few goods. Over time someone decided to build a mudbrick enclosure around the grave, creating what Egyptologists call a masaba tomb. The tombs got larger and were...
  16. Darkwolf

    Khufu's Pyramid Ressurection

    As far as I can tell, it is speculation. There isn't much record of the common people's religious beliefs in the Old Kingdom.
  17. Darkwolf

    Can Reconstructionism and Traditionalism work?

    Hi Brian, As a reconstructionist myself, I thought I should say something. I'm Kemetic (ancient Egyptian recon), although I'm not a very strict recon. The groups I'm familiar with attempt to bring the faith into the modern world, adapting as necissary. There must be changes - we don't have our...