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  1. J

    Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I double dare you!

    im sorry about the post people it wont let me put every thing down for some reason
  2. J

    Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I double dare you!

    <DIV>I don't think you're asking for just a contradiction, but rather something that will convince you that the bible has them. That is hard to do with people that like to rationalize contradiction. I will present a clear contradiction then add my insight on why I believe it's one. It would've...
  3. J

    Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I double dare you!

    <DIV>I don't think you're asking for just a contradiction, but rather something that will convince you that the bible has them. That is hard to do with people that like to rationalize contradiction. I will present a clear contradiction then add my insight on why I believe it's one. It would've...
  4. J

    why doesnt god show up

    Its obvious that some people in here make the question more complicated then it really is . There is no real reason for god not to just show up . As a matter of fact Jesus said him self "ask in my name and you shall receive "so ask in his name and if it doesn't work then he lied. Only those...
  5. J

    Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I double dare you!

    Re: Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I doublIn "The origine dare you! Jes I don't know if you are defending the bible or not .Either way your argument only proves that the bible has contradictions and therefore isn't perfect, or from a perfect God. I have a question ? If...
  6. J

    why doesnt god show up

    One reason he doesnt show up is because he doesnt exist.
  7. J

    Are jehovah's witnesses Christians

    Jehovah witnesses are Christians its not an opinion, but a fact .They fallow Christ so technically they're Christians to argue this would be to redefine what a Christian is .Some people may have their personal beliefs ,but that doesn't change the fact. The American Heritage Dictionary defines...
  8. J

    Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I double dare you!

    I'm sorry to say that you are mistaken in this "contradiction." Well actually I'm not sorry because it simply confirms my faith more but regardless of that this is not what the verses say. If you read the story you see that Josephs brothers threw him in a cistern and left him there. Judah upon...