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  1. F

    what is sexual immorality under the new covenant?

    as i said before it is about spirit. christ said we have to come to him for life. we have to come to christ to see thru his love what the law is saying. his love is about the fruit of the spirit, the fruit of christ's spirit being different from those of powers and principalities, because...
  2. F

    what is sexual immorality under the new covenant?

    "God does not go back on His word." which word are you referring to. in lev god said slavery was good. "take slaves from the surrounding countries for life, and pass them on to your children as inheritance" under the new covenant, slavery is an intolerable evil because of its violation of the...
  3. F

    what is sexual immorality under the new covenant?

    consider that the godlove(love one another as i have loved you) of the 2nd commandment(love neighbor) is the summation of all new covenant law. that any law under the new covenant contains the essence of that love, otherwise it is not a law of the new covenant. apart from all that is about the...
  4. F

    what is sexual immorality under the new covenant?

    for those assessing the issue about new covenant consider reading heb8 heb8: 7For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. 8But God found fault with the people and said: "The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I...
  5. F

    what is sexual immorality under the new covenant?

    granted.........there were cultural understandings handed down generationally, beginning with king henry the 8th(1500's), head of church/state, who enacted a law that made homosexual sex punishable by hanging(the law stayed on the books for 300 years). british colonists came importing that same...
  6. F

    what is sexual immorality under the new covenant?

    what is sexual imorality under the new homosexuality? is it according to our understanding of the regulations of scripture under the new covenant, homosexuality is a sin? (each must own his own understanding) are we saying our understanding is that under the new...