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  1. D

    God is with form or without form?

    Did I mention I'm an atheist? That aside my take is that if there is a god then all theist religions are wrong because they all imbued their impression of god with traits no god should have. I once considered setting up my own religion. Although I don't believe there is a god because there is...
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    God is with form or without form?

    Perhaps a deeper question would be is god an illusion? Ant hills are remarkably complex. They're built by thousands of tiny amoral insects. They grow, breath, eat and reproduce. Ant hills defend themselves when attacked. Ant hills attack other ant hills. In many ways the ants are to the ant...
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    Interesting, I had a debate with a scientologist who was adamant that scientology does not have beliefs, they know. He also said that because they know they don't have faith either. Surely we all have a view on the world, be you pagan, atheist, Christian, Hindu, etc which are based on your...
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    Drugs and spirituality

    You're correct there are certain "religious" practices which can be addictive due to the euphoric state they induce in practitioners; which is why I said early beware of anyone selling such experiences to promote their religion. What is interesting is that the same experience of the baptist or...
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    World Peace & Removal of Terrorism

    I agree it is fanaticism that tends to be the problem regardless of what it forms around.
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    World Peace & Removal of Terrorism

    Mike, I guess it's like the old adage, one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. Let's not forget "the west" initially sponsored "Al Qaeda" and the Taliban when we they were fighting the Russians.
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    Drugs and spirituality

    Sure, any fool can take drugs but does that fact invalidate the experience or make it any less than one experienced through meditation? The biggest downside to taking drugs though is that once started the experience cannot be readily stopped.
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    Types of people dealt by God

    I agree entirely with this post. Interesting views though Dattaswammi1.
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    Excuse my ignorance but if God made mankind in his image are we all not in some way manifestations of God?
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    World Peace & Removal of Terrorism

    I don't think religion need be removed rather religious fanaticism needs to be addressed. What causes people to become religious zealots? What makes someone a right wing religious extremist or an Islamic suicide bomber?
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    Drugs and spirituality

    As someone who has experimented with a few drugs as well as some deep meditation I can tell you this. The physical effects of some of the milder hallucinogenics are not dissimilar to the effects of deep meditation or contemplative prayer. So is a physical effect induced by deep meditation any...
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    Spiritual Solution for Tensions and Anxiety

    Interesting post, I believe spirituality can provide relief for tensions and anxiety for those prepared to accept it. Hypnosis can do the same. Likewise meditation. Many people gain peace from their beliefs and there is nothing wrong with that. It isn't the only way though. Horses for courses...
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    Interfaith as a Faith

    Interface is certainly useful in trying to promote tolerance and understanding of other religious views. My personal opinion is that if there is a deity that a just one will be more concerned about how one lived one's life rather than how one worshipped them. Of course I could be wrong and...
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    God is with form or without form?

    God is a personification, a human perception of something.
  15. D

    Is religion a force for good?

    Totally agree those with patriotic fervour are very much like suicide bombers. Religion is by no means the only tool that can create zealots. We all have choices and I agree one has to be responsible for one's choices; I would not excuse a (presumably failed) suicide bomber punishment on the...
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    Is religion a force for good?

    In short I blame A church or certain churches but before anyone gets defensive here is some clarification. I am using the narrower definition of church here, the one where the church is typically a building (Mosque, Temple, community hall, back room in a house etc) so it is a single group of...
  17. D

    Is religion a force for good?

    Is religion a force for good? The knee jerk reaction from most people who hold to a religious belief is "yes, of course it is." Then when you point out that religion is used to motivate people to commit suicide bombings they will likely concede that this isn't always the case. In one instance...