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  1. Al Debaran

    Muslim intellectuals in the UK

    Salaam all, As far as Brits go, I would say Tariq Ali is one of the most prominant Muslim intellectuals and a very good writer. :-) Tariq Ali ?
  2. Al Debaran

    Gentle Religious Humor

    Jesus and Mo :-)
  3. Al Debaran


    Having thought about what you just said i would agree. My sister who follows SGI Nichirin Buddhism, recites morning gongyo (morning prayers). She learned to memorise and say the words before she understood their meaning. Infact most people who practice this form of Buddhism learn to speak and...
  4. Al Debaran

    West vs. "Muslim World"--lets discuss the obvious

    You are so right! London Central Mosque at Regent’s Park has been the focus of controversy on a number of occasions, most notably when it was featured in two television documentaries exposing Islamic extremism in Britain: ‘Undercover Mosque’ (2007) and ‘Undercover Mosque: The Return’ (2008). In...
  5. Al Debaran

    West vs. "Muslim World"--lets discuss the obvious

    SWT after Allah is an acronym for 'SubhanaHu wa t'ala' - Glorified and Exalted is He/Be he glorified in the highest, above what they describe/Be he glorified in the highest, above what they set up/ Be he glorified in the highest, above what they say. (Im afraid my knowlege isnt good enough to...
  6. Al Debaran

    Mosque attacks in Lahore

    It will be a tall & challenging order. On the one hand there is a US backed Millitary machine & Government, vs the Talliban & ultimately Saudi backed religious right. I pray for better days ahead.
  7. Al Debaran

    Signs of the Last Day

    I dont think the world is going to end, but i do think that bees dying out maybe has something to do with the number of mobile phones which increase on a daily basis.
  8. Al Debaran

    Favorite Buddhist quotes

    Never let life's hardships disturb you ... no one can avoid problems, not even saints or sages. The rice plant flowers and bears grain, but its spirit remains in the soil. This is the reason the stalk sprouts to flower and bear grain once again. The blessings that Nichiren obtains from...
  9. Al Debaran

    Solution for Humanity!!!

    Here Here! (or is it There There when referring to comments made in cyberspace). Anyway - I completely echo your sentiments. Peace.
  10. Al Debaran

    Does the Hafsah Codex, differ from the uthmanic codex

    Salaam Amica I have similar questions. A single version of the Quaran is comissioned to be created in the Quarashi dilect, as it was revealed in that dialect.? That would create clarity and and a standardised version. The original versions, whether written in fragmented manuscripts or whole...
  11. Al Debaran

    Coherence in Quran

    Salaam Farhaan A fascinating read. Thank You.
  12. Al Debaran

    Does the Hafsah Codex, differ from the uthmanic codex

    Salaam Abdullah Thank you for the update. I can see the necessity for standardisation to stop confusion and the subsequent arguements over which version was the most correct. Peace.
  13. Al Debaran

    Does the Hafsah Codex, differ from the uthmanic codex

    Syed Uthman ibn 'Affan was elected as the third Caliph by a Council called the Shura. As the elected leader of the Muslim Ummah (Brotherhood), it was his privilege and prerogative to appoint a Commission to collect all the available verses of the Qur'an from the 'Ummah and undertake the task of...
  14. Al Debaran

    Jokes, jokes, and more jokes ...

    Four Catholic ladies are having coffee together. The first one tells her friends, "My son is a priest. When he walks into a room, everyone calls him 'Father'." The second Catholic woman chirps, "My son is a Bishop. Whenever he walks into a room, people say, 'Your Grace'." The third Catholic...
  15. Al Debaran

    Behind the burka

    Superb idea. Like in point break, where everyone wheres a dead presidents mask...or was it ex presidients? I think I would like to wear the V for Vendetta guy fawks mask. Or Boba Fett! We have way too many cameras on our streets. Jeremy Benthams panopticon on society as a whole, looms ever...
  16. Al Debaran

    Council of Christians and Jews :)

    Greetings. There is a lot of interfaith work being done in London. My mother works for an interfaith group as part of the islamic cultural center in london. The main members are from the London Central Mosque, The West London Synagogue, St Johns Wood Church, Marylebone Church, St Margerets...
  17. Al Debaran

    Finish the sentence: "I love it when...."

    i love when i am carrying my sun...and he points to an orange tree..and smiles...silently asking me to pick the orange for him...for him to hold...we both smell it and smile..."ahhhhhh"....
  18. Al Debaran

    I believe the first interfaith marriage...

    Congratulations...peace n love to u both....x
  19. Al Debaran

    Jokes, jokes, and more jokes ...

    The Israeli doctor said, 'Medicine in my country is so advanced, we can take a kidney out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks.' The German doctor said, 'That's nothing! In Germany, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him...
  20. Al Debaran

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    yearning to touch God seems outside our grasp, we need only reach inside