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  1. M

    Opposers of christian universalism refuted

    Hmmm. And all along, I thought that Reggie Jackson was the saviour of the World Series. Or in Toronto, Joe Carter.
  2. M

    Is It OK to Own a Canadian?

    Mmmmmmmmyes... But do you have any idea what the Queen has been doing with all of the engines that she and the other monarchs have accumulated since 1085? All of those combustion engines, steam engines, siege engines-- we're storing them up for something big. BIG! You just wait and see....
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    Gentle Religious Humor

    On the eighth day, God created Chuck Norris. He spent the next three and a half weeks creating nurses, ambulances, and morgues. Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for acting talent. Then he kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. Pharaoh didn't let the Israelites leave...
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    Is It OK to Own a Canadian?

    Haven't you heard?? The queen works for US now...
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    Christian Evangelicals torture and kill children

    I'm not a member of the Orthodox church; don't know where you got that from. But I am a realist. Christians should be one, but they are not. You're debating this problem based on ideas that should be facts; I am looking at things based on ideas that are facts. Read your book of Ezekiel again...
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    Is It OK to Own a Canadian?

    You can try to buy one of us, but my advice is to pay careful attention to the exchange rate; some days, our dollar is worth more.
  7. M

    Christian Evangelicals torture and kill children

    That is idealistic, and inconsistent with both history and reason. If the church was really one body, why are there dozens of denominations? Christians are one in Christ, but that doesn't make them one large congregation in a literal sense. Your own example should teach you that: Jesus wrote to...
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    West vs. "Muslim World"--lets discuss the obvious

    My answer is that what happens in "Muslim states" doesn't matter to me; I want my government to be tolerant regardless of what goes on in other countries-- tolerant for the sake of tolerance. To take rights away from Muslims as a result of what is going on in other countries would be to take...
  9. M

    Christian Evangelicals torture and kill children

    With all due respect, that is a big ol' bushel of horse apples, and if this is an intelligent conversation, I shouldn't have to explain why.
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    There is no such thing as 'Free Will'

    Interesting analogy. To me, it's more like an intellectual car wreck, and we're all rubber-necking as we drive by...
  11. M

    Christian Evangelicals torture and kill children

    By the way, you may want to tone down your sweeping generalizations if you want to be taken seriously. Just a thought.
  12. M

    Christian Evangelicals torture and kill children

    Yes, I feel outrage when I hear of stories of abuse. When I hear of Catholic priests molesting children and not being punished for it, it makes me angry. Or Pastors or Imams or Buddhist Monks or whatever-- doesn't matter. But I don't think that an Imam who abuses a child is actually a Muslim...
  13. M

    There is no such thing as 'Free Will'

    No sir, you're not getting off that easy. I pointed out a serious flaw in your reasoning, and you reply to me with an undocumented quotation? For the love of God, will you please just admit that you don't know what you're talking about? You already told Q that you don't know how to express...
  14. M

    What Kind of Place is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth ?

    Now here's a distinction, because we haven't been talking about "ushering in" the Kingdom; we've been talking about "building" the Kingdom. Do you believe that people will build the Kingdom of heaven, or usher in the Kingdom of heaven?
  15. M

    Christian Evangelicals torture and kill children

    Are you sure it's not a few snakes among the good eggs? Newspapers don't sell if they report on average Joe Christian going about his daily routine of loving his family and being kind to others...
  16. M

    There is no such thing as 'Free Will'

    All work and no play makes Rodger a dull boy. All work and no play makes Rodger a dull boy. All work and no play makes Rodger a dull boy. All work and no play makes Rodger a dull boy. All work and no play makes Rodger a dull boy. All work and no play makes Rodger a dull boy. All work and...
  17. M

    There is no such thing as 'Free Will'

    Drum roll, please.... And this, Mr. Tutt, is precisely the reason why you are not able to comprehend the fact that people have free will. You are assuming that everything in life is entirely LOGICAL, LINEAR, and STRAIGHTFORWARD. What you are unable to comprehend (and as you are a man who...
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    There is no such thing as 'Free Will'

    Those are some excellent points that you made, Rodger.
  19. M

    There is no such thing as 'Free Will'

    They would CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT?! :p:D:rolleyes: Oh my God, this is even better than I thought it was! Anyone here remember the scene from Road Trip where the boys are discussing what is and isn't cheating? And one of the guys says that if you sleep with two women who aren't your...
  20. M

    What Kind of Place is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth ?

    It is "common knowledge"? What a human thing to say, G. Tell me, which book of scripture is that written in? Hypothetically, if one has been conditioned by their time in church to think that the Kingdom of God will be established by people through the church, than that one would definitely...