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  1. El Greko

    Ouija Boards

    Rio, I think you are doing me out of a job, you cannot be serious, as a tennis player once famously remarked. If a believer really took up what you are saying then I do hope a spirit springs out and bites him or her on the buttocks. This is so dangerous, please Rio, tell us its your wicked...
  2. El Greko

    Greatest Proof of a Lack of a Deity?

    I think I owe you an apology Rio, I had a good rant, but I am better now, it was a hard week and I blue a fuse, that's showbiz!
  3. El Greko

    Greatest Proof of a Lack of a Deity?

    If only I had the Pagan Prophet on my side, we could really enjoy a spin down at Starbucks. Are you really a Pagan? Are you really a Prophet, or is it just a term of endearment Do you prophecy? I have read the titantic battle in the earlier exchanges, my only regret is that I have no...
  4. El Greko

    Religion as a Meme

    I was trying to make a point - I am sorry you got hold of the wrong end of the stick. Please don't start preaching to me being nice to people when I am being accused of being part of a faith that started every war since Cain killed Abel, on and on it goes, relentless propaganda from hell...
  5. El Greko

    Ouija Boards

    Why do you think that ouija boards are such a portal to the spirit world, I know it is the board thats evil in itself it is just a board just like a chess board. But why is it that using the board seems to 'work' or could you get the same kind of thing with cards, as yet I have never heard of...
  6. El Greko

    Religious founders don't found their religion!

    Yes, but none of the people you mentioned, Harmony, died for me.
  7. El Greko

    Religion as a Meme

    So lets swing from the trees Yes organised religion does terrible terrible terrible terrible things. We are all brain washed, kill people, rape their men and women, drink blood, behead children and more worse, maim animals, dress up in funny gowns, wear funny hats, whereas most people...
  8. El Greko

    Prehistoric Goddess worship?

    Nothing new under the sun Why is it that Jews and Christians are often accused of borrowing their tales and stories from earlier cultures? Firstly, there is never anything new under the sun, and further perhaps the earlier instances were a shadow of the greater reality to come, or an attempt...
  9. El Greko

    What's your magical style? - fun

    Thank Brian, I was wondering what on earth the kids were talking about, I just about get it!!! Please come up with a kosher version soon!!!
  10. El Greko

    The Passion of the Christ: Not Humming the Tunes

    I would hope that Gibson also gives from his earnings to the humanitarian works of the Christian churches, like orphanages, schools, and also non-Christian institutions like the doctors without frontiers and human rights watches. Susma Rio Sep Its not for us to question motives, only...
  11. El Greko

    Babism, Russia, and Islam

    Wow thanks I love that, I just love that, I love parables and picture language...its called multi media presentation these days, Mirror, Sun, Light ....... How utterly heavenly this is. There is always the.... Cloud Rain Ice All H20 but different. Do you know any more...
  12. El Greko

    Religion as an excuse for war?

    Lord of the pages Whilst that is understandable where Christianity encroaches where it has no constitutional right to (ie, pushing for the teaching of Creationism in federal schools), the overall effect that many US Atheists I have experienced bash Christians with far too broad a brush. How...
  13. El Greko

    Babism, Russia, and Islam

    Prophets of God or God Incarnate? I am one of those folk who cannot even pronounce the name of your prophets leaders let alone know a single thing about there lives, but can I ask if they claimed to be God Incarnate like Jesus or were earthly prophets like Moses and Elijah and John the Baptist?
  14. El Greko

    The Passion of the Christ: Not Humming the Tunes

    Terrible news for Christians I have heard about a Christian vicar in the UK who is giving away free tickets to The Passion for anyone who does not go to church. If there is one way to attract people to go see a film is to have a whole bunch of Christians protesting outside. Get my drift?
  15. El Greko

    Religion as an excuse for war?

    Heavy old bag, man Heavy man, thats a heavy thing to drop on me, I'm just a humble rocket scientist, what do you mean, please Susma Rio explain in first grade English you sound pretty delusional, can you brighten up just a tad!
  16. El Greko

    What's your magical style? - fun

    What is fun? This thread seems to be very young at heart, if you guys are young too, let me ask why magical arts and witchcraft and stuff is so attractive to a lot of young kids today. What makes it more 'fun' to you than Jesus?
  17. El Greko

    Do places have power?

    Blackpool Rocks
  18. El Greko

    Ouija Boards

    Is there anything you fellow rockets scientists can't find a happenstance answer to?
  19. El Greko

    Greatest Proof of a Lack of a Deity?

    "We know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character and character hope. And hope does not disappint us, because G+d has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Brothers and sisters, none of us can prove anything about anything about...