Search results

  1. P

    Religion search engine

    Serbian is my native language but I am also good in Dutch. Pedja
  2. P

    Religion search engine

    Thanks again Susma for this beautiful words. I am a little bit short on words because English is not my native language,thus everybody sorry for bad English. And now a few technical details for Brian: -I have own spider named "" how originally :) -our algo is based on...
  3. P

    Religion search engine

    Thanks Brian for not deleting this topic, I am aware that this topic is "almost" spam. Susma thank you for your blessing! At this moment I don't have any "money" plans for ReligionExplore, maybe in future I will go for google ads... With other words you can see this as kind of hobby.
  4. P

    Religion search engine

    Dear forum members, we have launched a religion search engine and we would like to get some comments on speed, usability ... Short info: Religion Explorer is a crawler based search engine that searches only in religion related sites. Our goal is to provide the freshest indices with the...