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  1. M

    Dialogue Among Civilizations

    DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILIZATIONS Dialogue as a method of cultural discourse has a hoary antiquity. It was a most favoured method of philosophical disquisition with the vedic and upanishidic seers who employed it for advancement of knowledge, enrichment of culture and refinement of philosophical...
  2. M

    Zen haiku by Madan G. Gandhi

    1. A contrite heart, no less sacred than Kaaba, no less than manas lake. 2, You cannot know the self by eloquence, by sharp intelligence or erudition, only a loving heart receives his grace. 3. Every fish breathes in the needed air, in the low or the high tide, oblivious of the...
  3. M

    I Was There

    How modest of you. You are worthy of my salutation. The language of mysticism is silence. But in every age and clime, poet mystics have tried to verbalize the divine afflatus or revelation welling up within. In the advaitic vision God is Self, Transcendent-Immanent (ek omkar satnam) beyond...
  4. M

    I Was There

    I WAS THERE In the beginning when nothing was there, no stirring of life, no being, no non-being, no cowl of the sky, no spangled heavens, no spring-eyed earths, no cycle of seasons, no eonic time, no canopy, no roof, I was there. No primeval creativity-in-action no stereo...
  5. M

    Serenading To Heavens

    SERENADING TO HEAVENS From far-off realms come light beams by eternity of silence propelled irradiating a light of million suns. The lights set in a circle blazing symphonically serenading to heavens. Celeberation of the Ultimate, the object of eternal quest beyond this vale of...