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  1. C

    Who is God?

    you are so corect in those couple words
  2. C

    Who is God?

    I am Happy to see all the responses here but the best answer comes from bhaktajan Hare Krishna Devotee And believe me he is right the Bible, Koran just describing the creation in a short form they had more important things to talk about in their opinion the Vedas is giving a better description...
  3. C

    new here

    Hello all I believe as we pray to god and do it with our heart and with love for every thing He / She created we will live a good life and we can use all Holy books to educate ourselves about him. love you all Crijptex
  4. C

    A few Q & A related to spirituality....

    Indeed No to entertainment that is not the purpose for the creation and when reading the Vedas Bible and all other Holy books we see that our main goal is to worship God to the fullest extend
  5. C

    An interesting find in a Lutheran church in Wisconsin

    And is there a lot of changes ith the modenrn one
  6. C

    Who is God?

    Who is god, what is God etc. John wrote "In the beginning was the word and the word was God" The Vedas say that the word is AUM (OM) and AUM is God. And there are many things we can look up and find out that God the creator was the beginning. If you look at all religions in the world you come...