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  1. Mus Zibii

    Rescuing the Bible

    I'm such a sucker I gotta say some stuff. Its off topic, but the topic started off topic. Someone pointed out how no one ever demands that Muslims revise the Quran, or Jews the Torah, etc. There actually are liberal Muslims, Jews, etc. I've had Muslim apologists tell me that the reason Allah...
  2. Mus Zibii

    What do Jews think of Christ?

    Why are you an Arian, if I may ask?
  3. Mus Zibii

    Rescuing the Bible

    I've seen so much craziness in this thread I wouldn't know where to begin to reply to it all.
  4. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    Yeah, there's no argument in favor of a canon. Its all about faith. If a tradition says something that agrees with a certain creed, then its true. If it conflicts, then its heredox non-sense. There's no evidence whatsoever the apostles knew anything about written gospels. Peter and Paul in Acts...
  5. Mus Zibii

    Rescuing the Bible

    I didn't read the link but revisionism is a joke. There are liberal Muslims that are always appealing to me that I'm mistaken in my opnions of Islam, that in reality the Quran is beautiful, tolerant, etc and its just a lack of understanding on my part and the part of radical Muslims. No, I'm...
  6. Mus Zibii

    The Apocrypha

    I'm easy when it comes to canon. Its all written by men. Does that mean its not true? Not at all. But nowhere in the gospels, epistles, Jewish romances does anyone harp on the validity of what is written. Only after such a doctrine became standardized do you see claims to the farce of...
  7. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    Well, some traditions, building off of the clementia felt toward the Romans by the gospel authors, say Pilate converted and was martyred. In the... I forget now, Acts of Pilate maybe, Pilate practically makes the Christian argument before the High Priests himself. Christian traditions are queer...
  8. Mus Zibii

    False prophets.....

    My answer concerning false prophets is brief. Its in the eye of the beholder. Basstian mentioned false prophets who don't recognize their failures. The reason for this is, they can reconcile their teachings according to their own criteria. One of the great archetypes Judaism gives us is the...
  9. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    Oh my god! LOL I found a Finnish copy. Any Fins here that could translate? I'm so cheap.
  10. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    Its definitely recent. It was supposedly to support the Ethiopian canonization of Pilate as a saint. To prove I'm not making it up. LOL Oxford Scholarship Online Early Christian Writings recommended books Support for Christ Shroud in GOG
  11. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    I forgot to say, I e-mailed Peter Kirby and he said he didn't know anything about it (even though he links books that contain it). I've come to the conclusion that it must be redundant. I'm chasin' after a B-side.
  12. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    That's a good point, but there's no claim in any religious writ other than the Quran that what is being read is from god, but rather an account of the works of god. I may be wrong but even the Jewish prophets were only writing in human tongue what Yaw supposedly passed on to them through...
  13. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    For one thing I misspelled the name. Gamaliel.
  14. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    It may be a 'lost' book, written about but no longer around. Though I've never heard of it. I saw it listed in the content of The Apocryphal New Testament by Jk Elliot. Peter Kirby might know what if anything it is.
  15. Mus Zibii

    Paul as Simon Magus

    Its nice to stop by and see more than the three discussion that were carrying on when I left. To be honest, I wasn't clear about the original question. There's a lot of conflict about Christian leadership, revolving around Peter, Paul and James. I look at the Acts story as if it were just a...
  16. Mus Zibii

    The Gospel of Gamliel

    I've seen the Ethiopian quasi-gospel listed in books of apocrypha, but I can't find it on the net. Anybody know anything about it or where I could find it without buying a book of stuff I've already read? Also, a Christian related chunk in the Talmud is identified by a character within its...
  17. Mus Zibii

    Paul as Simon Magus

    There was clearly an unresolved rift between Paul and the established clergy. But there's not enough evidence to offer any speculation of substance. If Marcion the heredox could be called by Polycarp the firstborn son of the devil, then its possible that Paul could have a parody written about...
  18. Mus Zibii

    Gathic Zoroastriansm [1]

    I've tried hard to grasp Zoroastrianism, but the big names really throw me. LOL Its like a Russian play. Too many characters, too many consonants.
  19. Mus Zibii

    Islam the heart of the world's terrorists

    D'oh. That was the Christian identity guy I was talking about. I didn't know he was good for the Olympic bombing. I figured the FBI dropped it after poor ole Richard Whatshisname was publically humilated. Everytime I think of Rudolph I think of when he called the media the 'Electric Jew'. LOL...
  20. Mus Zibii

    Islam the heart of the world's terrorists

    LOL Yeah, human beings being killed by Moslem terrorists. Seriously, are you saying Islamic society ISN'T making a supremely negative impact on the world? This unwillingness to blame radical Moslems is just really blowing my mind, lately. I'm seeing it everwhere. Ireland has been used as a...