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  1. B

    I have a question concerning Jesus.....

    Now I'm a Jehovah Witness and I know "we" witnesses understand that people don't understand us because of the way we look at the bible.At one time I was a Baptist now forget about what church you belong and what you believe just look at this one verse and tell me what Jesus is saying in this...
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    Jesus and the sinners he associated with....

    I'm not saying Jesus doesn't love homosexuals or liars or thiefs or prostitues..Notice Jesus words in John 5:14 after speaking in the temple after healing someone he ,Jesus ,told the man to sin no more....If you know what your doing is wrong you must change and I'm not judging but was does...
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    Jesus and the sinners he associated with....

    As I was saying please read Romans 1 :26-32 look at these verses from the King James 1611 edition bible Romans 1:26 ,27,28"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men,leaving...
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    Jesus and the sinners he associated with....

    Yes ,Jesus ate with sinners and drank with sinners which is true.These people needed to hear his message concerning the good news of the kingdom of God.Yet they would have to change there lifestyle to inherit it.They had to repent of there sins ask forgive and try not to do them no more.Just...
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    Promoting a gay priest to bishop

    you must look at what the bible says concerning homosexuality.It is considered an unclean practice. Nothing unclean will enter the kingdom of God-Romans 1 :26 thru 32.There should not be an argument,Homosexuailty is wrong remember Sodom and Gomorah??
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    The state of the dead....

    no matter what translation they all say "shall inherit the earth"I use on this board the King James 1611 edition.The sin commited in Sodom is fornacation and homosexuality.These things will also keep people from inheritng Gods kingdom. 1 corinthians 6:9.Thats what I can't understand about Gay...
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    The state of the dead....

    If you are not humble and meek like and have a good wholesome heart you can't understand.No disrepect intended.No preaching intented ether but Matthew 5:5 is hard to explain unless you have the truth in you.Remember Sodom and Gomorah ?Everyone knows about what happened to them cities.We don't...
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    The state of the dead....

    As I'm sure it has been discussed before here we go again.According to the bible as we Jehovah Witnessess look at it and believe when you die you are dead.No heaven no "hell" at death.Now that does not mean some people in the future will be in heaven or "hell".Point being look at what Solomon...
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    Satan greatist trick-convincing people he isn't real....

    2nd Corinthians 4:1 - 8. Also vanity and following after teachings of men all the "Einsteins"of the world take note....Colossians 1:8 ---Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,after the tradition of men ,after the rudiments of the world,and not after christ.:)
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    1st Timothy4:1 thru 5 = Roman Catholics and Jewish leaders of today?

    Read these verses and think.Look at the customs of the Roman Catholics and Jewish leaders....abstain from meat,forbidding to marry....Wonder why preists of the Catholic church have so much trouble and remember the Jews who only believe in the Koran who don't accept christ as the messiah.I mean...
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    Strange true story-Jehovah Witnessess

    I can't comment on things I don't know about but these are the facts as I see it.I know the Witnesses are the only Christian group that I know of that do not worship Jesus.Yet we Witnesses do everything Jesus tells us to do.I looked at the Witnesses pretty much like everyone else coming up I'm...
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    Old Testament -New Testament which do christians use?

    Very good question and the answer lyes in the New Testament 2nd Timothy 3:16"All scritpture is given by inspiration of God,and is profitable for doctrine,for for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"So we use the whole bible not just the New or Old Testament.The reason I...
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Look what Jesus Christ said John 4:23,24 "But the hour cometh and now is,when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:for the Father seeketh such to worship him.God is a Spirit:and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."Now Jesus was alive...
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Jesus is not God................... Now Jesus is the greatist man to ever live.He isn't God he,Jesus ,tells us to worship God, Matthew 4:10 King James 1611 edition.Satan knew Jesus wasn't God as a matter of fact he asked Jesus was he the son of God ,Matthew 4:3 King James 1611 edition.If Jesus...