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  1. L

    Did the Jews kill Jesus?

    The truth is, no matter what any Christian says (I myself am a strong Roman Catholic), the Holy Bible is not 100% correct. In The New Testament, all the cannon gospels somehow contridict what the other says, and to me, only portions of the NT are correct.
  2. L

    Esoteric Christianity

    That, I will. I plan on buying the book myself tonight. Any information I can offer, I will post either tonight or tomorrow. :)
  3. L

    Did the Jews kill Jesus?

    Contrary to your correct reply, not only has it been stated various times throughout the above posts, but your post consists of three words and is considered in any board I have ever posted on, to be spam. Please do NOT post three word posts'. Try to at least get your point across with some real...
  4. L

    Esoteric Christianity

    Thanks for welcoming me, and thanks for replying to the thread. :) I feel though that I must tell you Esoteric Christianity is more mystical than magical. If you read the latter link in the first post, it gives you some good insight on the faith. It is not as modern as you think, contrary to how...
  5. L

    Did the Jews kill Jesus?

    In my opinion, although I concur with the fact that Christ was supposed to die, I agree that the act was commited (although not in the physical sense) by the Jews. The Jews brought Christ to Pontus Pilate and requested, (because they cannot condemn a man to death) that he murder Christ. Pilate...
  6. L

    Esoteric Christianity

    For the past few months I have been avidly researching a hidden sect. of Christianity in which, is similar to the Judaic sect. of Kabballah. This hidden sect. happens to be like Kabballah, in that it is a form of mysticism belonging to one of the world's utmost popular Abramic religions. This...