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I really admire the Bahai religion. I have read a lot I jut feel I am ready to begin to read some of what you consider scripture. Just wanting some advice on which one I should begin with and where I can find them and so on.
Thanks for your post and welcoem tothe Baha'i Forum!

There's a wide variety to choose from and it depends on the person of course but many people enjoy reading the Hidden Words as it is like the essence we believe of religion:


An introduction:

The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah--A Reflection

and text

The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah

Most libraries and many bookstores have this book available but you can also order a copy through

Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah HC
Hi, Dbanks! :)

I would suggest the following works of Baha'i scripture as good starting points:

  • The Book of Certitude (aka Kitab-i-Ipan), our primary theological work
  • Some Answered Questions, a plain-English discussion of many different religious topics.
  • As more casual relief from the above works, The Hidden Words is always good.
Finally, if you'd like a general introduction to the Faith, Baha'u'llah and the New Era is one of the best-known ones.

You can find these books (and more) at these web sites:
In the US, you can also receive free literature (and if you like, the location of the nearest Baha'is) by phoning 1-800-22-UNITE.

Best regards, and I wish you good hunting! :)
