The Theosophical view of Jesus

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Seeing as how this is Easter Week, here is an article by otownley, from, addressing the issue of Jesus, which is an ongoing issue (and source of contention) among some Theosophists.

EASTER week is Christianity’s “Jesus week,” and now the secular media-mob have been waging an unprecedented, virulent assault on Christian beliefs. We decided to enter the fray as peace-makers instead.

The cover of NEWSWEEK (April 4th) is emblazoned “The Decline and Fall of Christian America.”

As a result, that runner-up news magazine was forced to disable comments on Jon Meacham’s lead article.

“The End of Christian America” received over 5,000 comments, blogger Kurt Soller reported, “making the site wobbly.”

(See Colleen Raezler’s column For the media, it’s un-Holy Week if you want all the bloody details.)

It is true that Theosophy’s H. P. Blavatsky, took no prisoners attacking the faults of what she called “Churchianity.” But she always sided with the “true Christians,” whose “faith in their respective churches is pure and sincere.”

The difference between Christian theology and Theosophy,” she writes, is that the “former enforces belief in the Descent of the Spiritual Ego into the Lower Self,” and Theosophy “inculcates the necessity of endeavouring to elevate oneself to the Christos, or Buddhi state.”

This will not be a scholarly tome or an historical argument. We have too little time and space. (But for an important study, please be sure to read David Pratt’s impeccably researched Who Was the Real Jesus?)

The rest of this article is entirely in the words of Blavatsky, (with emphasis added), from Isis Unveiled, her first major work, is subtitled “A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology.”

From Chapter III, Isis Unveiled (Vol. 2, p. 123):

The motive of Jesus was evidently like that of Gautama-Buddha, to benefit humanity at large by producing a religious reform which should give it a religion of pure ethics—the true knowledge of God and nature having remained until then solely in the hands of the esoteric sects, and their adepts.

When we use the term Buddhists, we do not mean to imply by it either the exoteric Buddhism instituted by the followers of Gautama-Buddha, nor the modern Buddhistic religion, but the secret philosophy of Sakyamuni, which in its essence is certainly identical with the ancient wisdom-religion of the sanctuary, the pre-Vedic Brahmanism.

Perfected Living Masters

Thus, in common with Pythagoras and other hierophant reformers, Jesus divided his teachings into exoteric and esoteric.

Except a handful of self-styled Christians who subsequently won the day, all the civilized portion of the Pagans who knew of Jesus honored him as a philosopher, an adept whom they placed on the same level with Pythagoras and Apollonius.

Whence such a veneration on their part for a man, were he simply, as represented by the Synoptics, a poor, unknown Jewish carpenter from Nazareth? As an incarnated God there is no single record of him on this earth capable of withstanding the critical examination of science…

As one of the greatest reformers, an inveterate enemy of every theological dogmatism, a persecutor of bigotry, a teacher of one of the most sublime codes of ethics, Jesus is one of the grandest and most clearly-defined figures on the panorama of human history.

We see that the Golden Rule was not original with Jesus — that its birth-place was India. … the doctrines of Manu and Gautama harmonized exactly with his own philosophy.

Christ Not a Person

With the Christians, Christ another name for Jesus. The philosophy of the Gnostics, the initiates, and hierophants understood it otherwise. The word Christos, (Christos), like all Greek words, must be sought in its philological origin — the Sanskrit.

God-like beings as Gautama-Buddha, Jesus, Tissoo, Christna, and a few others had united themselves with their spirits permanently — hence, they became gods on earth.

Others, such as Moses, Pythagoras, Apollonius, Plotinus, Confucius, Plato, Iamblichus, and some Christian saints, having at intervals been so united, have taken rank in history as demi-gods and leaders of mankind.

When unburdened of their terrestrial tabernacles, their freed souls, henceforth united forever with their spirits, rejoin the whole shining host, which is bound together in one spiritual solidarity of thought and deed, and called “the anointed.”

Hence, the meaning of the Gnostics, who, by saying that “Christos” suffered spiritually for humanity, implied that his Divine Spirit suffered mostly.

From The Preface to Part II - Isis Unveiled [Vol. 2, Page iii-iv]:

WERE it possible, we would keep this work out of the hands of many Christians whom its perusal would not benefit, and for whom it was not written.

We allude to those whose faith in their respective churches is pure and sincere, and those whose sinless lives reflect the glorious example of that Prophet of Nazareth, by whose mouth the spirit of truth spake loudly to humanity.

Such there have been at all times. History preserves the names of many as heroes, philosophers, philanthropists, martyrs, and holy men and women — but how many more have lived and died, unknown but to their intimate acquaintance, unblessed but by their humble beneficiaries!

These have ennobled Christianity, but would have shed the same lustre upon any other faith they might have professed — for they were higher than their creed.

And yet, in comparison with the millions who have been accounted Christians, such have always formed a small minority. They are to be found at this day, in pulpit and pew, in palace and cottage — but the increasing materialism, worldliness and hypocrisy are fast diminishing their proportionate number.

Their charity, and simple, child-like faith in the infallibility of their Bible, their dogmas, and their clergy, bring into full activity all the virtues that are implanted in our common nature.

Faith and Immortality

We have personally known such God-fearing priests and clergymen, and we have always avoided debate with them, lest we might be guilty of the cruelty of hurting their feelings — nor would we rob a single layman of his blind confidence, if it alone made possible for him holy living and serene dying.

An analysis of religious beliefs in general, this volume is in particular directed against theological Christianity, the chief opponent of free thought.

[Isis Unveiled] contains not one word against the pure teachings of Jesus, but unsparingly denounces their debasement into pernicious ecclesiastical systems that are ruinous to man’s faith in his immortality and his God, and subversive of all moral restraint.

Jesus of The Future

His age may, with every day, be receding farther and farther back into the gloomy and hazy mists of the past — and his theology — based on human fancy and supported by untenable dogmas [theology] must with every day lose more of its unmerited prestige …

Alone the grand figure of the philosopher and moral reformer instead of growing paler will become with every century more pronounced and more clearly defined.

It will reign supreme and universal only on that day when the whole of humanity recognizes but one father — the UNKNOWN ONE above — and one brother — the whole of mankind below.
Hello Nick. I cannot believe that I read & understood your post, but I did. It is interesting & corresponds with what I have been long in finding out. What still surprises is the approach: "We have personally known such God-fearing priests and clergymen, and we have always avoided debate with them, lest we might be guilty of the cruelty of hurting their feelings — nor would we rob a single layman of his blind confidence, if it alone made possible for him holy living and serene dying." I understand somewhat, but times change. For a little while more I am distracted by life's obstacles, but I hope to make prophecy a not-for-profit thing again. I will not use so much complicated language as Blavatsky, either.
Hello Nick. I cannot believe that I read & understood your post, but I did. It is interesting & corresponds with what I have been long in finding out. What still surprises is the approach: "We have personally known such God-fearing priests and clergymen, and we have always avoided debate with them, lest we might be guilty of the cruelty of hurting their feelings — nor would we rob a single layman of his blind confidence, if it alone made possible for him holy living and serene dying." I understand somewhat, but times change. For a little while more I am distracted by life's obstacles, but I hope to make prophecy a not-for-profit thing again. I will not use so much complicated language as Blavatsky, either.
I have an uncle who is a priest in the Catholic church. One day in anger I pointed out every flaw the church has (especially the latter choice of priests).

He sighed, looked at me and said, "The best that any priest can hope to human".

And the only way that is possible is if we the laymen, help them so...

It is a difficult tightrope to walk, when we see someone genuinely and piously devoted to a belief system that we utterly disagree with. What should we say to such a person? I understand your surprise at the Theosophical way of handling this quandry (which is to smile, encourage their continued pious practice of their faith, and saying nothing of our objection to the ideas that they are declaring their faith in). How do you handle it?

There is one idea that you make take solice in. Theosophy teaches that a pious person, whether they are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, etc., are making progress towards Heaven by living a pious life, and the amount of time they spend in Heaven will correspond by how piously they lead their lives. (Theosophists see time in Heaven as temporary, not forever. Thus, any pious person can affect the length of time they stay in Heaven by him or her doing more and more pious actions in life.) Theosophy does not take a "my way or the highway" attitude to a person who is Christian, Muslim, etc., as long as he or she is pious.

Many of us are suffering through distractions caused by life's obstacles, as you seem to be saying about yourself. All I can say is, hang in there, and I will send you some White Light. By the way, are you saying that you are psychic?
He sighed, looked at me and said, "The best that any priest can hope to human".
Namaste Q,

Your going to have to help me with this? What were they before? The way this is stated it sounds like becoming a priest made them less than human...
Namaste Q,

Your going to have to help me with this? What were they before? The way this is stated it sounds like becoming a priest made them less than human...
Or more...with me now?
Still not, it still sounds like an insult.

"The best that any priest can hope to human".
Wil, priests are human and prone to the same foibles as the rest of us, including holier than thou attitudes. My uncle/priest was saying that they had to do the KISS method in order to keep realistic in this world. In short a priest is no greater than a common man.

Likewise, Jesus stated that we were greater than he, and began showing it by washing our feet...
It is a difficult tightrope to walk, when we see someone genuinely and piously devoted to a belief system that we utterly disagree with. What should we say to such a person? I understand your surprise at the Theosophical way of handling this quandry (which is to smile, encourage their continued pious practice of their faith, and saying nothing of our objection to the ideas that they are declaring their faith in). How do you handle it?
It is a family matter, and I am a good position to understand it as a desperate situation. I do not see anybody else stepping in - no white light as you called it.

There is one idea that you make take solice in. Theosophy teaches that a pious person, whether they are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, etc., are making progress towards Heaven by living a pious life, and the amount of time they spend in Heaven will correspond by how piously they lead their lives. (Theosophists see time in Heaven as temporary, not forever. Thus, any pious person can affect the length of time they stay in Heaven by him or her doing more and more pious actions in life.) Theosophy does not take a "my way or the highway" attitude to a person who is Christian, Muslim, etc., as long as he or she is pious.
I'm not planning to disrupt the world.

Many of us are suffering through distractions caused by life's obstacles, as you seem to be saying about yourself. All I can say is, hang in there, and I will send you some White Light. By the way, are you saying that you are psychic?
If anyone is, then so am I. That avenue is unexplored, so maybe not.

And the only way that is possible is if we the laymen, help them so...
Appreciated, Quahom; however I'm concerned with wolves & wonderworking shysters. Prophecy lately is too profitable a trade. There is a desperate need for Zech 13:4 "On that day every prophet will be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies; he will not put on a hairy mantle in order to deceive,"

Anyway I appreciate the opening post.
It is a family matter, and I am a good position to understand it as a desperate situation. I do not see anybody else stepping in - no white light as you called it.

I'm not planning to disrupt the world.

If anyone is, then so am I. That avenue is unexplored, so maybe not.

Appreciated, Quahom; however I'm concerned with wolves & wonderworking shysters. Prophecy lately is too profitable a trade. There is a desperate need for Zech 13:4 "On that day every prophet will be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies; he will not put on a hairy mantle in order to deceive,"

Anyway I appreciate the opening post.

RAM: male sheep:

Capable of killing a wolf by butting it with the head horns, severly enough to cause thorasic displacement of organs...

edit: Sheep, can be deadly...
I don't watch tv. Mass media ain't fer me none anywho.?.
_____________________________________________/. .\

edited, like 4X
It will reign supreme and universal only on that day when the whole of humanity recognizes but one father — the UNKNOWN ONE above — and one brother — the whole of mankind below.

But it won't happen while the ideal of the "one world government" reigns supreme. People often take this wrongly as a unity of nations but actually its deeper meaning is the loss of the perception of levels of reality and the vertical relationship between levels of reality or worlds within worlds.

The "Great Beast" is Lord of One World Government or the dominance of secularism that doesn't appreciate something greater than itself but rather is only caught up with relationships within itself. As time goes on, the Christ influence wains until finally gone inviting all the appropriate destruction. This is considered the end of an Aeon and then the next can begin.

You said,

"...levels of reality and the vertical relationship between levels of reality or worlds within worlds."

--> My belief system teaches that Buddha, non-deified Jesus, etc., are all part of a vertical line of teachers and students that stretches up in a seemingly unbroken line. It sounds like you and I are on the same page on this one.

"As time goes on, the Christ influence wains until finally gone inviting all the appropriate destruction. This is considered the end of an Aeon and then the next can begin."

--> Ancient Egypt signified the Age of Aries. (The symbol of the ram is quite prominent in their hieroglyphics.) Christianity signified the Age of Pisces. (Jesus was the fish.) We have already entered into the next aeon, the Age of Aquarius (already signified by a huge increase of waves -- electricty -- in our society).

You said,

"...levels of reality and the vertical relationship between levels of reality or worlds within worlds."

--> My belief system teaches that Buddha, non-deified Jesus, etc., are all part of a vertical line of teachers and students that stretches up in a seemingly unbroken line. It sounds like you and I are on the same page on this one.

"As time goes on, the Christ influence wains until finally gone inviting all the appropriate destruction. This is considered the end of an Aeon and then the next can begin."

--> Ancient Egypt signified the Age of Aries. (The symbol of the ram is quite prominent in their hieroglyphics.) Christianity signified the Age of Pisces. (Jesus was the fish.) We have already entered into the next aeon, the Age of Aquarius (already signified by a huge increase of waves -- electricty -- in our society).

I agree with you that human "being" is defined by astrological relationships. I know how little levels of reality is considered in these times so do believe that the Christ influence is pretty much gone.

I believe that the Christ already was but its wholeness voluntariuly devolved so as to become able to be born in a man's body because of the purity of Mary to be able to open to the Spirit. I don't believe Mary to be just another woman but involved with an esoteric school and joseph's lineage represents connection to schools.

So I don't believe that Jesus was just a man evolving but rather an intentional devolution in order to consciously evolve and return to its origin. In this way the path is opened for Man to follow and become part of this "vine."

Higher consciousness cannot violate universal laws anymore then we can. That is why there are only certain times where such a conscious devolution becomes possible and these times I believe are astrologically defined.

You said,

"...I don't believe that Jesus was just a man evolving but rather an intentional devolution...."

--> I wonder if the idea of Avatara (Avatar) resonates with you. There is a theory that some humans have finished their obligatory reincarnations, have risen to a level of consciousness that is higher than the human level of consciousness, and thus never need to return to earth. However, it is said that certain high-level beings sometimes volunteer to return to earth in a single reincarnation, in order to dispense a particular teaching. Then, they return to their higher plane of existence when their job is done. (They do not reincarnate on earth because they are karmically required to do so -- as we are, and they do not acquire new karma nor burn off old bad karma while they are here.) These individuals are called Avataras. I certainly see the Dalai Lama as a present-day Avatara.

Are you saying that you see Jesus as an Avatara?

You said,

"...I don't believe that Jesus was just a man evolving but rather an intentional devolution...."

--> I wonder if the idea of Avatara (Avatar) resonates with you. There is a theory that some humans have finished their obligatory reincarnations, have risen to a level of consciousness that is higher than the human level of consciousness, and thus never need to return to earth. However, it is said that certain high-level beings sometimes volunteer to return to earth in a single reincarnation, in order to dispense a particular teaching. Then, they return to their higher plane of existence when their job is done. (They do not reincarnate on earth because they are karmically required to do so -- as we are, and they do not acquire new karma nor burn off old bad karma while they are here.) These individuals are called Avataras. I certainly see the Dalai Lama as a present-day Avatara.

Are you saying that you see Jesus as an Avatara?

I se the avatar as paving the way for a unique conscious source originating from above. I believe Jesus was one and probably Buddha as well.

I'm not sure if the avatar remembers why they are here or if they just feel there conncetion between the world and higher consciousness.

This is one reason Simone Weil interests me. There is no way a young woman dying at thirty four years old could have the understanding she did and the mystical experiences she did. This is why I believe she was a partially developed soul which is basically what an avatar is and incarnating so as to be able to advance. They stir things up and in this way help humanity in their own unique way. she wrote:

You may not realize what it is to conceive your whole life in front of you and to take the firm and constant resolve to make something of it, to orient it from one end to the other with will power and work in a chosen direction. When one is like that -- I am like that, so I know what it's like ...

I think this is the sign of an avatar when it serves a vertical connection. Of course the absolute linear connection in contrast is the anti-Christ. These avatars have a deep purpose we cannot understand and they may not either but are able to grow into. Yet they are compelled to be connected to higher consciousness in a way beyond our comprehension. We can learn from them if we are open to our own nothingness.

You said,

"I believe she was a partially developed soul which is basically what an avatar is and incarnating so as to be able to advance."

--> Perhaps. But I think an Avatara incarnates only to serve, does not benefit from what happens, and does not advance along a path as a result. I think this is what separates an Avatara from any other person who does a great thing. You and I benefit from doing great things, but an Avatara does not.

"I see the avatar as paving the way for a unique conscious source originating from above. I believe Jesus was one and probably Buddha as well."

--> I agree.

"I'm not sure if the avatar remembers why they are here or if they just feel there connection between the world and higher consciousness."

--> I think they are quite aware of why they are here. We normal humans need to be separated from our higher selves while we are here on earth. Avataras do not need such a separation. It serves them no purpose.

You said,

"I believe she was a partially developed soul which is basically what an avatar is and incarnating so as to be able to advance."

--> Perhaps. But I think an Avatara incarnates only to serve, does not benefit from what happens, and does not advance along a path as a result. I think this is what separates an Avatara from any other person who does a great thing. You and I benefit from doing great things, but an Avatara does not.

"I see the avatar as paving the way for a unique conscious source originating from above. I believe Jesus was one and probably Buddha as well."

--> I agree.

"I'm not sure if the avatar remembers why they are here or if they just feel there connection between the world and higher consciousness."

--> I think they are quite aware of why they are here. We normal humans need to be separated from our higher selves while we are here on earth. Avataras do not need such a separation. It serves them no purpose.

If we agree that the universe is in constant change and everything within it is either moving along the paths of involution or evolution, why should the avatar not be able to advance as part of conscious evolution?

But if the avatar sacrifices its quality of being, of inner unity, so as to demonstrate to man as a plurality, the path to its acquisition, then by definition the avatar must forget first in order to remember, to awaken, in order to open the path for others.