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My name is Penelope.
I am a 44 year old widow, mother of two.
Live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Substitute teacher, 8th-10th grade.
Teaching mostly history and beginning science classes.
Finishing my first year of a three-year graduate program.
I am not a seeker.
Not, that is, in the usual sense of the word.
My background in science makes me a skeptic.
My background in history makes me a cynic.
I do not have faith in the innate goodness of people.
But I do not believe in original sin, either.
What I "seek" ... is discussion.
& & &
Religion, as a practice, has little personal interest to me.
I'm with William James, regarding the positive moral value of religion.
Pragmatically, religion generally helps good people to remain good.
But religion is also fertile soil for weeds of bigotry to sprout.
I'll leave the sociology of faith to others.
I'm more interested in the theological implications of religion.
Theology, to my way of thinking, looks beyond human existence.
Beyond human life as conditioned by the ecology of Planet Earth.
Sure, this may be just a fancy way of stating the obvious.
That ... theology looks beyond my secular, day to day existence.
Theology looks not to Earth, but to the Heavens.
But it is at this – very precise - line of distinction where my beliefs ...
Where my "seeking discussion" begins ...