Theosophy on US nationwide AM radio

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
"Saturday July 25, 2009, Historian, author, and the librarian at the New York Lodge of the Theosophical Society, Michael Gomes will discuss the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who paved the way for ideas on the origin and evolution of the universe and humanity itself as well as the occult."

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"Saturday July 25, 2009, Historian, author, and the librarian at the New York Lodge of the Theosophical Society, Michael Gomes will discuss the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who paved the way for ideas on the origin and evolution of the universe and humanity itself as well as the occult."

Upcoming Shows - Coast to Coast AM

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Radio Affiliates - Coast to Coast AM

Nick, thanks for letting us know about this program. I am not sure I can make it, but you can give us a full report !! Especially if there are some new theories related to "racial superiority".

Although I do not agree with your, and Theosophy's, ideas about the 60 ft. human, however you have gotten me interested in learning more about the interconnection of Theosophy with Nazism.

So, along those lines, here is a little wiki section, that I would like to get your reaction to:

Most of present day humanity belongs to the fifth rootrace, the Aryans, which originally developed on Atlantis,[2]. The older races will eventually die out, as the fifth rootrace in time will be replaced by the more advanced peoples of the sixth root race which is set to develop on the reemerging Lemurian continent. [3]
Blavatsky claimed that "The occult doctrine admits of no such divisions as the Aryan and the Semite, accepting even the Turanian with ample reservations. The Semites, especially the Arabs, are later Aryans—degenerate in spirituality and perfected in materiality."[4]. However, this statement was not made in a spirit of attacking any ethnicity. In fact, the main purpose of the Theosophical Society was "To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour", and the Society's membership actually includes members of all nations, races and religions. Guido von List (and his followers such as Lanz von Liebenfels) later took up some of Blavatsky's theories, mixing them with nationalism to formulate Ariosophy, a precursor of nazism. Ariosophy empasized intellectual expositions of racial evolution. The Thule Society was one of several German occult groups drawing on Ariosophy to preach Aryan supremacy. It provides a direct link between occult racial theories and the racial ideology of Hitler and the emerging Nazi party."[5]

Theosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am especially interested in hearing your views of the bolded parts.
Blavatsky is referring to how the Torah has been intentionally changed down through the centuries. According to Theosophy, the original Torah is much older than most people realize, and is quite different today than what it looked like in its original stage. (Fortunately, Theosophy has the original version.)

Theosophy is not directly linked to the racial ideology of Hitler.

Do not believe everything you read on the Internet.

I see you continue on your crusade to link Theosophy with Nazism. Should there be any value in responding to your future posts, I will respond. But if you merely wish to keep repeating such claims, I will let them stand as is.
Blavatsky is referring to how the Torah has been intentionally changed down through the centuries. According to Theosophy, the original Torah is much older than most people realize, and is quite different today than what it looked like in its original stage. (Fortunately, Theosophy has the original version.).

It seems like everytime we talk I learn new things about Judaism. Lets hear this new theory ... Oh boy, I think I can see the Dr. Strangelove salute starting again.

Theosophy is not directly linked to the racial ideology of Hitler.
Do not believe everything you read on the Internet.
I do not believe everything I read on the internet. That is why I enjoy getting new facts from speaking to you. :eek:

I see you continue on your crusade to link Theosophy with Nazism.

Theosophy did a pretty good job with this before I came along.
According to Theosophy, the book that is now called the Torah was handed down through many cultures and many foreign-language translations before it came into Jewish hands. Jews believe the Torah was revealed to Jews, but Theosophy tells quite a different story.

Theosophy teaches that the original version is quite accurate and believeable (I enjoy it every time I read it), and that it is these pre-Jewish changes down through the centuries that cause some people to call the present version mere mythology.
Nick, do you believe the "Secret Doctrine" is the literal word of G-d ? And do you believe that Mrs. Blavatsky was a prophet who brought the word of G-d to Theosophists, like yourself ?

According to Theosophy, the book that is now called the Torah was handed down through many cultures and many foreign-language translations before it came into Jewish hands. Jews believe the Torah was revealed to Jews, but Theosophy tells quite a different story.

Theosophy teaches that the original version is quite accurate and believeable (I enjoy it every time I read it), and that it is these pre-Jewish changes down through the centuries that cause some people to call the present version mere mythology.
Can you see how this type of story was used by Hitler to deny the importance of Jewish history so that he could de-humanize the Jews and then put them in concentration camps ?

Can you see how your stubbornly holding to the the incorrect view of chosenness is further justification for persecution of the Jews ?

Also, in the future, when you reference us to the "Secret Doctrine" could you please provide the chapter / verse from the version below, I would like to check your interpretation for myself:

One more question, what do you think of Mein Kampf ?
It will take me some time to look up chapter and verse in The Secret Doctrine for you. I am glad to see that you are showing an interest in what is called the Ageless Wisdom. Before long, I may even have you using terms like Maha-manvantara, Swabhavat, and Bodhisattva Vow!

"Nick, do you believe the "Secret Doctrine" is the literal word of G-d ?"

--> First of all, humanity was "created" by a group of gods, not a single God, just like Genesis says.

" you believe that Mrs. Blavatsky was a prophet who brought the word of G-d to Theosophists, like yourself ?"

--> The correct term would be that the information was channeled through her. I prefer not to use a Judeo-Christian-Islam term like prophet. (I am not a member of these three groups.)

"Can you see how this type of story was used by Hitler to deny the importance of Jewish history so that he could de-humanize the Jews and then put them in concentration camps ?"

--> A person can learn how to drive a car. Whether they then drive an ambulance or a crimimal's get-away car is up to them.

"Can you see how your stubbornly holding to the the incorrect view of chosenness is further justification for persecution of the Jews ?"

--> I refer you to the Bible for an answer to such a one-sided and biased question. Also, your demanding that you are right and I am wrong merely shows your love of arguing, and your lack of understanding of the basic principles of inter-faith dialogue.
"Can you see how your stubbornly holding to the the incorrect view of chosenness is further justification for persecution of the Jews ?"

--> I am also quite amused at how you twist things around, and infer that I support the persecution of Jews.
"Can you see how your stubbornly holding to the the incorrect view of chosenness is further justification for persecution of the Jews ?"

--> I am also quite amused at how you twist things around, and infer that I support the persecution of Jews.

First of all, I implied that you support the persecution of Jews, you infer it.

Second, I notice that you did not disagree !!!
Nick, so fill us in on the Coast to Coast, did you learn anything new about Theosophy ?