"This plant stood as a symbol..."


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Redlands, California
The latest information I've heard is that the trial of the seven Baha'is noted in previous posts is still on hold..No date has been set or it was postponed..

What this means though is that the incarceration of these Baha'is continues in the Even prison of Teheran and in Iran when you are incarcerated the families are incumbered by the state to pay for the incarceration. Note the following story from the LA Times blog:

While in solitary, Saberi says that Kamalabadi "tried to keep her spirits high by praying, reading and exercising, even though her prison cell was small, and she had to exercise in place most of the time."

Saberi, who was released from Evin Prison in May, implored in a letter this month to the White House, U.S. Department of State and a religious rights commission that more be done to "raise the case" for their release.

In May, on the one-year anniversary of her mother’s arrest and detention, Kamalabadi’s daughter Alhan Taefi, 23, wrote a letter reflecting on her grief. "I remember in preparation for the mothers’ day, when all my friends were talking about what presents they were going to buy for their moms, I forced myself not to burst into tears, in order to be strong," she says. "The same way you wanted me to be, the same way you are."

Earlier this year, Kamalabadi noticed that a piece of a carrot from her meal had signs of growth. She took it, wrapped it in paper and watered it inside the poorly lit prison. It grew into a small plant, which she gave her daughter Taraneh Taefi, 14, for her birthday. The experience was so emotional that fellow visitors and prisoners burst into tears as Taefi received it. In Alhan Taefi’s letter, she says, "This plant stood as a symbol of you for me. When I was lonely, I would go and cuddle it, talk to it, caress it, and kiss it — I would feel it was you standing before me."

Amber Smith in Los Angeles


This is an incredible story! Kamalabadi's experience puts me in mind of the time Baha'u'llah spent in The Pit and received his Revelation from God. Please don't think that I'm saying that she recieved a Revelation such as Baha'u'llah, only that she was able to find a measure of solice in God in a man-made hell.

Just my thoughts...