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I have been reading this site a little lately. I'm 18 and i've been very interested in religion/spirituality over the past year or so. At first it started with an innocent fascination with cool looking images and symbolism used in occultic/religious stuff and the like, but then it moved into deeper looks into the meanings of those symbols. After going through a short phase of looking into Christianity I started to develop more of an interest in Easter religions and philosophies after buying books about different view points (Tao Te Ching, the Gita, Upanishads, Dhammapada etc.).

I've developed a fascination with meditation as a means to more insight into the human mind and myself though I'll admit I'm quite the novice. Lately I've been centering on looking into Advaita Vedanta traditions and some Buddhist stuff.
Hi, Nivek, and welcome to the Forum.

Have you found any differences between Advaita Vedanta traditions and Buddhism that you find interesting?
Mostly differences in identification of a "perceptor". Buddhist usually avoid extremes of wether there is or isn't one but Advaitins (pretty much hindu's in general) see it established as a "Self", wether using logical reasoning like Shankara's exposition of his theories in the Upadesasahasri or recognition of the Vedas, Upanishads, etc, as authoritative scripture for a basis of proof. I'm very interested in both and like to think of the similarities of the buddhist concept of "sunyata" (void) with the hindu's unattributless, allpervading Self. I've yet to read Gaudapada's Mundakya Karika but I hear it's quite buddhist sounding at parts.
I've developed a fascination with meditation as a means to more insight into the human mind and myself though I'll admit I'm quite the novice. Lately I've been centering on looking into Advaita Vedanta traditions and some Buddhist stuff.

Hi and welcome :)

"To study the Way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be enlightened by all things. To be enlightened by all things is to remove the barriers between one's self and others."

- Eihei Dōgen Zenji.

Gday and welcome.

I tried meditation for a while, this was while i was pregnantwith my second child. Firstlyi thought i could meditate through the labour!!! After all, i had heard of a woman who meditated through her own surgery!! Lets just say EPIC FAIL!!! LOL. And I would have thought that mediating for nine months would have resulted in a calm and peaceful baby, i mean, it was my second child, so I knew what i was doing, right?
ANOTHER EPIC FAIL!!! My second son was the loudest, most discontent baby there ever was. LOL. (oh, i still loved him just the same).

But, that being said, its not my cup of tea, but good luck to you and you endeavours. (different strokes for different folks!).
Have fun here, I sure do.
Love the Grey
Hi Nivek and welcome to the Interfaith forums. :)
Gday and welcome.

I tried meditation for a while, this was while i was pregnantwith my second child. Firstlyi thought i could meditate through the labour!!! After all, i had heard of a woman who meditated through her own surgery!! Lets just say EPIC FAIL!!! LOL. And I would have thought that mediating for nine months would have resulted in a calm and peaceful baby, i mean, it was my second child, so I knew what i was doing, right?
ANOTHER EPIC FAIL!!! My second son was the loudest, most discontent baby there ever was. LOL. (oh, i still loved him just the same).

But, that being said, its not my cup of tea, but good luck to you and you endeavours. (different strokes for different folks!).
Have fun here, I sure do.
Love the Grey

lolo Sounds pretty EPIC!

I usually practice a sort of "advaitic" type of meditation. I focus on the body then gradually regress on what is focusing on the body (mind). Then I observe my mind and how thoughts and feelings come and go. The entire time I'm thinking (though not always with too much effort) "Who am I in all of this?". I'd like to get ahold of Ramana Maharshi's writings so I can refine myself some more.
Welcome Nivek!

I'm into meditation too. Mostly free associational meditation. It's kind of the opposite of concentration. The trick is to goof on every single thought that comes into your brain and push out the associations to the utmost rediculosity.

Glad you're here!
