more on anti-zionist jewish sect neturei karta


awkward squadnik
Reaction score
London, UK, Malkhut she'be'Assiyah
i've written a number of times on neturei karta, here for example:

however, a few weeks back i wrote a specific piece at the site i blog at, the spittoon in response to their presence at the "al-quds day" israel-bashing demo in london, which you may find interesting:

islamism’s jewish figleaf

incidentally, if anyone wants to see me really being rude, you'll see it in the comments, where i am badgered by a perennial generic islamist troll who changes his name all the time and then go on to refer to him as a "prating, ignorant little dog’s pizzle". it's all good!


incidentally, if anyone wants to see me really being rude, you'll see it in the comments, where i am badgered by a perennial generic islamist troll who changes his name all the time and then go on to refer to him as a "prating, ignorant little dog’s pizzle". it's all good.

BB, great job !! It looks like a friendly group over there :D !

I read your Spitoon article. You'll be happy (I hope!) to know I totally agree with you when it comes to both Neturei Karta and the Christian Zionists. You didn't so much tell me anything I didn't know before about Neturei Karta as confirm and expand on what I already knew.

I also have the same take on the Christian Zionists that you do, and I've been trying to say it for years to anyone who will listen. They are NOT friends of Israel or the Jews, to say the least.

Re "it is the same part of me that bangs my head against the wall every time some right-wing israeli politician talks about how supportive so-called “christian zionists” are. yeah, idiot – they are waiting for the “end times”, when most of us are supposed to be killed in the armageddon war and the rest convert when jesus returns. point 10 all over. feckin’ eejits."

I don't care how sarcastic you want to get with these people--I bash them every chance I get myself. But on the other thread you treated ME like one of them, like an enemy. I was too open about myself on that thread, and I won't make that mistake again. I was naive enough to believe you'd lay off if you understood more about me and where I'm coming from. Instead you caricatured me mercilessly, attacking my posts piecemeal as though they were the ONLY posts I've ever written on this board, and in many cases completely distorting and misinterpreting what I was trying to say.

I will never trust you again.
