how many 'heavens'..?


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Since man walked the earth, there have been a plethora of cultures, and a plethora of religions, to go along with that.

One thing unites all - an idea of a magical place that you go to, once your soul gracefully leaves your body, upon death.

Now, if we are to afford respect to all, we must treat each with the same level of plausiblity.

Therefore, are we dealing then with an almost infinite number of 'heavens', all accomodating people who just happen to adhere to that given religion, and all with v different structures, and make up's?

Logically, if we are to believe the concept, and if we are to be fair to all, then yes, this is indeed what we would be looking at.

It would be impossibleto be otherwise, wouldn't it, since, for example, Christians believe that only they have the chance to go to their heaven. Therefore, those of other religions, who also believe in a heaven, vallhalla, whatever, they must do what - go to heaven, only one that is sort of tailored to people who shared their culture and psychology?

People can believe what they want, provided they do not coerce others to believe like them.
If someone wants to believe in a paradise after they die which they will go too and it helps make their life here endurable then they can fill their heads with such nonsense.
But it is escapism as most people who believe in the pie in the sky when they die are not that effective in making the world a better place to live in in the here and now as they are willing to endure until they receive their final reward.
So I think such beliefs are crazy and downright stupid, but that is my opinion, which I am equally free to have and express.
People can believe what they want, provided they do not coerce others to believe like them..

And, what if they do? Because they do! I mean, you need only look at how parents label their new born baby a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, etc.

Then they effectively indoctrinate them to share the same beliefs that they have been indoctrinated with. What do you do about that, to protect the developing mind?

I am not a fan of people tagging their children as Muslims, Jews, or Christians, any more than I would be if they were to tell me that their child was a Marxist, a White Supremacist, or any other political idealogy, tbh.
Now, if we are to afford respect to all, we must treat each with the same level of plausiblity.

First, you need to prove that we must "afford respect to all", upon which point the rest of your statements hinge. What if I do not accept this assumption you make? Will you respond ad hominem and say that this makes me a bad person or hint that this makes me your inferior?