The Sayings of Jesus the Spiritual Warrior


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The Sayings of Jesus the Spiritual Warrior

(For ease of reading male gender pronouns apply to female gender also).

  1. Truth is above Mind.
  2. Follow Truth, it will cure you of falsehood.
  3. The Truth will set you free from the Falsity of this alluring, evil world. The pure in heart can experience the Divine and communicate with the Divine spirit within.
  4. Once falsehood is conquered, all difficulties will disappear.
  5. May the Truth be invincible, overwhelming, all-powerful, leaving no room for falsehood anywhere and forever.
  6. Everyone is given his chance and help is there for all, but for each the benefit is proportionate to his sincerity.
  7. Jesus said, when you pray, remember to say to the Heavenly Mother/Father God, "I belong to you and I want to be close to you."
  8. I am the Light. Whoever follows me will never walk in Darkness, but will have the Light of eternal life.
  9. I came from the Divine, who sent me. I know the Divine and I honour the Divine’s word.
  10. If you believe that the roles that people play are meant only to teach you, and that your experiences are intricately entwined with those who may have hurt you and the hurt they caused was meant to help you, then you believe that no one is accountable for wrong doing or evil deeds. But, there is Evil, and Evil is NOT a necessary opposite to Good. Good is self-sufficient.
  11. Recognise the Divine spark in you to draw a step closer to the Divine.
  12. Divine spiritual beings are imprisoned in material bodies of Matter.
  13. If you do not recognise my energy, no matter how long you have been with me, you have not known me and you are far from me and I am far from you. You do not recognise me because you have not been committed to the Divine energy. To be in communication with the Divine energy you must not be covetous in your desires. Your heart must be sincere and pure and you must be fearless in the midst of Darkness. When you love me you love the Divine and you will recognise me for I will reveal myself to you.
  14. I have come not to be served, but to liberate Divine beings from Darkness by showing them the way back to the Light. I am the way Home.
  15. Peace. Be still.
  16. Concentration wholly upon oneself leads to decay and death, concentration on the Divine alone brings life and growth and realization.
  17. Do not take my words for a teaching. Always view them as a force in action uttered with a definite intent. They lose their true power if ever separated from that purpose.
  18. Let the flower of Truth blossom within you.
  19. Caring for Beings of Light brings more inner strength.
  20. If you are always concerned about yourself, and not thinking more about others, you develop a feeling of dissatisfaction, inadequacy, and insecurity within yourself. This will put you in danger of the greater trap in this world.
  21. Patience is an active state when one deliberately adopts the stand of not retaliating against another. Patience is not meekness or cowardice.
  22. You should liberate yourself from your own traps.
  23. Cultivate inner mental stability. If your mental attitude is stable and firm, the hostile environment will not be a cause for much disturbance.
  24. Emptiness is an aspect of something. It is a particular quality or aspect of a phenomenon. For any aspect, there must be some basis. Thus, emptiness is an aspect or quality based upon a particular phenomenon. Thus emptiness is not of an absolute nature because it is dependent on some particular basis for its existence or expression. Thus the basis of emptiness can either be of the Light or of Darkness.
  25. Love your neighbour, but who is your neighbour. Your neighbour is the one who is sent to you from the Divine. Your neighbour can be one who is a total stranger to you from afar. Your neighbour can be someone living close to you. But what is true is that your neighbour is one of the Light who needs your support as much as you need his.
  26. You shall not bow to the manifestations of Darkness. In all things that transpire, let the Divine Spirit take you through and Darkness will dissipate.
  27. Be humble to even the lowest amongst your brethren (neighbours) and you will be exalted.
  28. Humility in the Divine flow strengthens and empowers you in the Light.
  29. Cowardice in the guise of humility weakens you in the eyes of a Dark being. You become subservient to the negativity/evil pull which he represents.
  30. Do not concern yourself with things of this world which have no value to your spiritual life.
  31. The spiritual life is eternal. No amount of wealth and things of this world can buy you eternal life.
  32. The material physical life is temporary and illusional. Therefore, strive for that which is good and eternal.
  33. When your spiritual life is open and pure in your spiritual heart, so too will your concerns of this world begin to lose control of you.
  34. Know yourself. The kingdom of Eternal Flame is within you. Let the Eternal Flame remain kindled in you for eternity.
  35. Darkness tries at every angle to extinguish the Eternal Flame that resides in each of you who bears the Divine spark. But the love of the Eternal Flame will not allow Darkness to succeed.
  36. When you look for your enemies, first look into yourself because you are your worst enemy, for only through your weak Will can Darkness be able to extinguish that Divine Flame within you.
  37. I come with a sword that divides the wheat from the chaff, the Good from the Evil, the ones of love from the ones of hate, the ones of Light from the ones of Darkness.
  38. Many shall come and claim to be me. My own will recognise me, no matter what.
  39. Love not for the flesh, but for eternal life, Light, peace and joy.
  40. The road that is most travelled leads to utter despair and ruin. The path that is less travelled and which leads you Home is narrow and seems inaccessible to you in this world of Darkness. But with focused mind and total commitment, perseverance and courage, you can cross the thorny, steep, narrow mountain and sail the rough seas to reach the glorious Home.
  41. There is only one way that leads to eternal life — the way of Truth.
  42. The beings of Darkness inwardly know that there is no infinite existence along with the Light beings. Thus, some of them have encouraged and promoted others to live fully in the "now".
  43. The beings of Darkness will always find fault with the beings of Light, no matter how much good the beings of Light have done because beings of Darkness are jealous of beings of Light.
  44. There is only one love that loves unconditionally — the love of the Divine.
  45. There is only one true everlasting joy — the joy that the Mother/Father God can give you.
  46. You must discriminate between what is true and what it false, what is real and what is illusion.
  47. You need to practise living your spiritual truth in the beginning of your path right until the end of your physical existence.
  48. Those who know truth will work to resist evil. These too, will work for the Light and not against the Light.
  49. One does not become pure by outward appearance and action.
  50. The enemies of Light do not truly befriend the children of Light. Avoid such children of Darkness.
  51. Those who love the entrapments and glitter of this material world are slaves to Evil.
  52. The Devil desired the submission of True Divine beings from the very beginning. The Devil has no truth in him. He is absolute Deception and Falsehood. The Devil misguides truth seekers by opening up false paths so that they might be led astray from the Light and be trapped, abused, manipulated and destroyed.
  53. I speak of the ultimate challenge — it is to become pure. To do this one has to relinquish the physical, the material. To do this is not easy. One has to adhere to truth and overcome the lure of the world before one can achieve freedom.
  54. Be pure in heart.
  55. I give you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions (the Evil ones) and over all the power of the beings of Darkness.
  56. One should not egotistically display one’s psychic power.
  57. When you are in the Light, your spiritual body becomes a dazzling white light.
  58. Your eye is the lamp of your body. If your eye is full of Light, so too is your whole body. If your eye is full of Darkness, your body too is full of Darkness.
  59. If you body is full of Light, with no part of it in Darkness, it will be full of bright light as when a lamp gives you bright light with its rays.
  60. Do not let fear trouble and control you.
  61. When you relinquish your egotism, you will be liberated.
  62. When someone comes to me and hears my words and acts on them he is like someone who built his house on a solid foundation which can withstand a flood. The one who hears and does not act is like one who built his house on the ground without a solid foundation. When the river bursts against it, immediately it will fall and great will be the destruction of that house.
  63. The path to "Heaven" is narrow but a small number will travel it. The road that leads to Destruction is easily accessible and wide and many travel it. But the gate to "Divine Life" is narrow and the road to it is difficult and few will choose to take it. Thus few will be saved from the path of Destruction.
  64. The Earth will be built up and destroyed and be no more.
  65. Evil will be exposed and the rectification plan revealed throughout this dimension and then the end will come.
  66. I have not come to start a religion, nor to seek followers. I have come to prepare for the day when I shall return again to gather all that are mine and to return them Home where there will be no suffering, no pain, no injustice and no Evil.
  67. God so loved Her own Creation that She sent part of Herself down to this evil-ridden world to liberate trapped True beings from Darkness.
  68. Jesus said to his disciples "I have given the Divine beings my message and the world has hated them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. I am not asking you to take them out of the world, I am asking you to protect them from the Evil ones. The world does not recognise nor want to accept my message, for my message is for those who have the Divine essence which resonates with my message."
  69. I come to this world to testify to the Truth. Everyone who belongs to the Truth listens to my voice.
  70. I have come not to bring peace upon the world. I have come to cast conflict and division upon the earth. Father will be against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, and brothers against sisters. This is because in many families there will be some of those who are of the Light and others who are of Darkness. This has nothing to do with one’s belief — it has to do with his essence.
  71. If there is Light within a person of Light, it will shine on the whole world. If it does not shine, it is dark because the Light was never in it.
  72. If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the kingdom of Light.
  73. If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is indeed a marvel of marvels. This is because spirit could create a material body, but a material body could not create a spirit.
  74. Sincere and earnest prayer will strengthen you.
  75. Some follow truth, some listen to it and like it, but forget about it because it does not suit their situations.
  76. When you search for the truth you should persevere until you find it. When you find truth you may at first be disturbed, but once you are able to sort through, you will marvel and will rise up above falsehood.
  77. The kingdom of God is within you. You cannot find the Divine outside of you.
  78. When you know your true spiritual identity, then you will be one with those of the Light. You will inwardly know that you are one of the children of the True God, but if you do not know yourself, then you will live in ignorance and unawareness and you are the unawakened.
  79. Be honest to your True Self because your True Self knows everything. All things will be known to the Divine.
  80. Reject evil. Do not covet that which is not yours. Help those of the Light who are in need. Do good to them. Do not let your ego stand in your way.
  81. You cannot find God with your external eye and mind. Strive to behold the Eternal Spirit with your being and feel it with your heart and purify yourself.
  82. Do not condone those who abuse humans and animals or those who practise human or animal sacrifice.
  83. Those who trap beings by the glitter of this material world will themselves be cast into Darkness.
  84. Many will attempt to lure the children of God from the Divine path.
  85. Be ever vigilant and strong while you await deliverance from Darkness.
  86. No one who is luke-warm in their love for the Divine is ever going to be a devoted, loving and strong warrior for the Light. If you are sitting on the fence waiting to see which side you should choose, I say to you that by your inaction you have already chosen to serve Darkness.
  87. Darkness will never respond to Divine love.
  88. Do not make enemies amongst one another of the Light.
  89. Never give in or compromise with the enemies of the Light for such actions will weaken you. Never turn the other cheek to beings of Darkness for if you do, you will always be their slaves. If you love beings of Darkness indiscriminately which can NEVER truly respond to your Light and love, they will attempt to spiritually assassinate you.
  1. If I had come to you in a different body in another life, how many of you would recognise or accept me? Very few would recognise me, not only because of ingrained prejudices, but because very few have the awareness to recognise my energy.
  2. Look, the sower went out to sow his seeds, some fell on the road and the birds came and gathered them. Others fell on rock, and they withered and died because they did not take root in the soil and did not produce heads of grain.
  3. When the message of truth was revealed, some did not heed it, some did not cultivate it and follow it through, some did not persevere, others simply gave up when confronted with trials and tribulations, but a few seekers accepted truth and followed truth and made progress in the long run.
  4. Seek for things that are real and lasting rather than things that will perish and be of no spiritual value.
  5. There is but one Light, the Light that leads you out of Darkness.
  6. The beings of Darkness and the world hate the beings of Light because the beings of Light are not of the world even as I am not of the world.
  7. You are not alone because the Divine is with you.
  8. I pray not for the world, but for them which belong to the Divine Creation. I have not come to heal the world, but to sustain those of mine who are here until the time of deliverance is nigh.
  9. A prayer: The Eternal Flame of Purity, praise be your name; your kingdom come. May your Will be done at all times. Grant to us all that we need for our spiritual sustenance. Strengthen our Will and show us your way. Your love and majesty we long to behold. Open our eyes that we may discern the Truth from the False. Lead us to our Paradise — our Divine Eternal Home. May your Love, Power and Light surround and abide in us always.
  10. I shall gather all that are mine.
Amitakh Stanford
as a born again I am very skeptical that this is from Jesus, but upon reading it actually seems like good stuff.