???? trouble logging off


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everytime i visit, im somehow automatically signed in
it kinda feels like going through the VIP backdoor at a club actually

but it's probably a crack in the system that should get repaired
before it gets exploited by a worm/trojan.


i pm'ed brian, but he's like on vacation or something


yes, i tried unchecking the "remember me" option, doesn't work.
Just back from hols and nightmare travel via Easyjet, the only airline with more flights than crew available, only they don't tell you that until you've paid and are left for hours in the airport (both ways).

Did you get this sorted out? If you log off normally on the forums, does it then go to logged off at the homepage, and then if you close the browser and return it counts as logged on?

If the latter, sounds like your browser is calling up an older cookie from before the forum upgrade.

Would definitely recommend with this - and any other logging in problem - to delete your browser cache, and then if not enough, delete the interfaith cookie specifically from your list of cookies already on the browser.

Is that of any help at all?
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i guess "easyjet" is screwing their customers pretty hard. There should be an international agency to punish those who commit ironic crimes. An international ironic crimes agency perhaps? yes, the IICA! i should start one of those...

anywayzz... if its an issue on my end, then its no worries. this computer's settings are all in chinese and im stuck with it for a few more weeks. besides, i kinda enjoy these auto-log ins