Conclusion: Truth Has Come, and Falsehood Has Vanished


future hope

In ages past, people worshipped statues made of wood and stone and beseeched them for help. They feared these statues, believing that they were watching them and would become angry whenever a person committed sin. Buddha is the Buddhist idol. But Buddhists who equate Buddha with God—and those who hop on the bandwagon and become Buddhists to draw attention to themselves—do not realize how seriously they are deceived. Because they do not believe in the eternal afterlife, Paradise or Hell, it never occurs to them that they will have an accounting in the presence of God. Since they believe that they are already on the right path, they react with great surprise when invited to follow it.
All of the messengers who warned against the pagan religions that people had followed and called others to the oneness of God encountered similar reactions. In the Qur'an (38: 4-7), God says:
They are surprised that a warner should come to them from among themselves. The unbelievers say, "This is a lying magician. Has he turned all the gods into One God? That is truly astonishing!" Their leaders went off saying, "Carry on as you are! Hold fast to your gods. This is clearly something planned. We have not heard of this in the old religion. This is merely something contrived."
In this book, we invite Buddhists and all others who, for whatever reason, feel sympathy with this superstitious religion to understand the truth that there is no god but God; and to accept that God is One and that there is no other. We invite them to come to Islam, the religion of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all). A person who perceives all his ancestors as believing in a religion that associates other things with God—and who himself associates them with God—may find it hard at first to make this decision. He may not understand how, after giving up all those powers he once associated with God, he can worship Him alone. Be that as it may, the only One Who supports and feeds him at this moment; the only One watching over him and protecting him is God. The One Who gives him life and heals him when he is sick is God, Lord of all the Worlds, Who created this Earth according to a pre-ordained decree. As it says in the Qur'an (81: 29), human beings have submitted to the will of God, to the point where they have no power to will unless God wills, cannot act except by the will of God. As God says of Himself in the Qur'an (11: 56), "There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock."
Satan can show Buddhists, and everyone else, that it is impossible to escape associating others with God. However, this is simply an intimation that comes from Satan; the Qur'an (14: 22) announces that, on the Last Day, Satan will say, "God made you a promise, a promise of truth, and I made you a promise, but broke my promise. I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you responded to me. Do not, therefore, blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your aid, nor you to mine. . . ." and all of those who have associated others with God will be left completely alone.
As we know, being saved from the error of associating other things of His creation with God entails a sincere change of intention, turning one's thinking to the oneness of God. And no matter what situation he finds himself in, that person decides to trust in God and conform his life faithfully to the Qur'an. Certainly, his faithfulness and decisiveness will bring about God's help, incomparable blessings, mercy and abundance. No doubt, God will direct a person on the right path, protecting him from Satan's attempts to misguide him.
Anyone who submits himself to God sees that real happiness and contentment can be found only in faith, and in the belief in God's oneness. In the Qur'an (65: 2-3), God gives this good news to believers:
Whoever heeds God—He will give him a way out and provide for him from where he does not expect. Whoever puts his trust in God—He will be enough for him. God always achieves His aim...
For this reason, a person who repents of his error of associating other things with God should abandon his idols without a moment's hesitation. Those who believe that Buddha is a god (God is surely beyond that!) who sees and hears all things, gives strength, gets angry and forebears, must change their minds and abandon their perverse understanding. And those who are caught up in the unfounded idea of karma and reject the existence the everlasting afterlife, must use their intelligence to save themselves from this error, because "What these people are doing is destined for destruction. What they are doing is purposeless." (Qur'an, 7: 139)
Budha was a man not a god i dont think budhists consider him a god either as far as i know budhists do not believe in a creator God more that everything is mind, as for your particular belief system what makes you think its better than any other belief system ?

like Christianity for example ?

and what makes you think allah is God ?
and what makes you think allah is God ?
Namaste NCOT, Allah is Arabic word for G! is the same word, same being.

And back to our Future Hope, namaste as well. Hopefully in this future we can be clear, you have your understanding and opinion, which I can accept as your thoughts...and we all have ours, hopefully you can do the same.

But lets see, the Jews book says it is the be all and end all.

The Christians book says it is the be all and end all...don't add, subtract or change a jot or tittle.

Both claim divine right...

Then the prophet (pbuh), changes more than a jot or tittle and claims divine guidance...and then repeats in his way...last prophet...

Then of course along come the Bahaulla and the Bahai...with a new revelation.

We are all in an endless series of religions and revelations as our understandings change.

Now my understanding is that each of these is man's attempt to describe the physcial and the nonphysical and our connection with both. And on ALL counts the descriptions are lacking because we are using our capacities for thought and word to explain the unexplainable...not to say it is isn't understandable...I believe many of those writers and prophets had an understanding, whether it was complete or not I can't say, but do believe they were stuck trying to descibe something with words and concepts that were simply inadequate for the breadth and scope of what is.

That being said it is also my understanding the Paganism is enough for Pagans. And Judaism is enough for Jews...when I say enough...those that call themselves Pagans or Jews got enough from their scriptures and stories to connect with spirit in a way that satisfied them. As Jesus was enough for Christians (well Jesus and Paul and all the others who wrote or were wrote about), and the Prophet (pbuh) is enough for Muslims, as the Bahaulla is enough for the Bahai...but prior or during all that we've got plenty of other religions and G!ds and explanations...and post this for folks that still don't get it there are plenty willing to continue to describe to give you the chance to have the connection (Rastas, Mormons, New Thought, and on and on) that satisfies you as we have ours that sastify us.
i think we have a dawah 101 situation on our hands. can i suggest you read our code of conduct, please, "future hope" - we are not here to be proselytised at, for islam or anything else. this is a dialogue forum, not a "why islam is the best" forum - and if you're here to post screeds of hadiths in the hope of feeling better about yourself you will be sadly disappointed.


Namaste BB,

And note to Future appears some of your text is cut and pasted from other websites...unless these sites are your own, that would be copyright infringement in most countries, I don't know about Saudi...but not appropriate here.

As well it appears you are either duplicating your thoughts on many forums or also cutting and pasting others thoughts...

This is a discussion forum, you are welcome to discuss. There is also an Islam section...and as we do have a few Muslims around, I'm sure you'll have plenty to discuss as you tell them that your sect is better than their sect as well...
Namaste NCOT, Allah is Arabic word for G! is the same word, same being.

well certainly that is the opinion of some, but would like to hear what future hope has to say on the matter.
fortunately i'll correct the record!

Namaste bananabrain,

thank you for the insight, yes, i agree... fh is a islambot!

nevertheless, i'll address this post and add it to the book i'm working on :)

In ages past, people worshipped statues made of wood and stone and beseeched them for help. They feared these statues, believing that they were watching them and would become angry whenever a person committed sin. Buddha is the Buddhist idol.

actually quite the opposite is true. the Buddha specifically spoke about beings engaged in the practice you are speaking of; during the Buddhas historical millieu such things were glossed under the term "superstition". the Buddhas teachings specifically prohibit superstition and claim that beings engaged in such actions as a business are engaged in wrong livelihood.

interestingly enough, there were no such thing as Buddhist iconography or statuary until the arrival of the Bactarian Greeks upon the Indian scene some 300 years after the Buddhas Paranibbana.

But Buddhists who equate Buddha with God—and those who hop on the bandwagon and become Buddhists to draw attention to themselves—do not realize how seriously they are deceived.

i would agree that a being that is hopping on the Buddhist bandwagon as a means of gaining attention for themselves has some serious misunderstandings regarding the Buddhadharma! :)

i am unaware, however, of any Buddhists that have any confusion with regards to Gods and Buddhas... Buddhas are not Gods and Gods are not Buddhas.. not even the Creator Deity is a Buddha and a Buddha is not a Creator Deity. i think one of the chief causes of this misunderstanding aries from the fact that the word "buddha" is not a personal name like "Jim" or "Abdul" but is a title like "Duke" or "King of the Butterflies" and it means, roughly, "The Awakened One". of course that is but one of the ten titles by which a Buddha is known and as it is the most common it has become the de facto standard and assumed the form of a personal noun.

Because they do not believe in the eternal afterlife, Paradise or Hell, it never occurs to them that they will have an accounting in the presence of God. Since they believe that they are already on the right path, they react with great surprise when invited to follow it.

actually, we don't believe in a creator deity either. we believe that your deity exists, actually, but that your deity is.. like all deities.. deluded regarding the nature of reality and the implication of karma and vipaka upon their arising.

i would even suggest that these rejections of deities and eternal afterlives aren't particularly religious in nature but rather arise from a completely different ontology and is thus a philosophical rejection of the eternalist view.

{snip of irrelevant material}

Satan can show Buddhists, and everyone else, that it is impossible to escape associating others with God. However, this is simply an intimation that comes from Satan; the Qur'an (14: 22) announces that, on the Last Day, Satan will say, "God made you a promise, a promise of truth, and I made you a promise, but broke my promise. I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you responded to me. Do not, therefore, blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your aid, nor you to mine. . . ." and all of those who have associated others with God will be left completely alone.

i think that this adequately demonstrates the fundamental lack of understanding that most Muslims have towards my religion... why would you associate anything with something that you don't believe exists? this is a normal polemic which is found amongst some Christians as well the thinking is that we Buddhist types implicitly acknowledge of existence of God but willfully choose to withold our worship. the Muslim poster explicitly thinks that we believe in Satan as well.

As we know, being saved from the error of associating other things of His creation with God entails a sincere change of intention, turning one's thinking to the oneness of God. And no matter what situation he finds himself in, that person decides to trust in God and conform his life faithfully to the Qur'an. Certainly, his faithfulness and decisiveness will bring about God's help, incomparable blessings, mercy and abundance. No doubt, God will direct a person on the right path, protecting him from Satan's attempts to misguide him.

no doubt. fortunately for me if Islam happens to be correct then i think i'll be just fine with Allah given that i'm a Buddhist and all :) to sum up decades of study, suffice it to say that no being has convinced me of the verisimilitude of Islam.

Those who believe that Buddha is a god (God is surely beyond that!) who sees and hears all things, gives strength, gets angry and forebears, must change their minds and abandon their perverse understanding.

i would generally agree with this point with the reversed role in the hierarchy noted. any being that believes that a Buddha is a deity should certainly change their minds about that and read the Buddhas own explanation about it for themselves. fortunately the Buddhas words on this aren't confusing or complicated and can easily be understood by any being that cares to.

And those who are caught up in the unfounded idea of karma and reject the existence the everlasting afterlife, must use their intelligence to save themselves from this error, because "What these people are doing is destined for destruction. What they are doing is purposeless." (Qur'an, 7: 139)

on the contrary, the idea of karma is as plain and ordinary as the sun rising, the tides going out and back and intolerant religious bigots missrepresenting your religion, setting up strawmen and burning them down to gratify their own ego.

i'll grant that the idea of karma has become quite garbled in the West, so much so that it's lost all practical meaning as the Buddha intended and i've explained, at length, elsewhere the reasons for this and won't go into it here. suffice it to say that when i explain what karma is you, too, will agree that it exists!

the Buddha declared that karma is "...intentional action, thought or speech." that's it. nothing more, nothing less. if you would care to dispute that intentional actions, thoughts and speech don't occur i welcome what could only be a fascinating discussion.

the Buddha declared that karma (intentional actions, thoughts or speech) has consequences, which in Sanskrit is a word called Vipaka. if you would care to dispute that intentional actions, thoughts and words have consequences then i once again look forward to a delightfully engaging dialog.

so.. that's it. that's what karma and vipaka are. it's not terribly mysterious as it turns out.

why... even the passage of Al Qur'an which you quote is asserting the Dharma of Karma... there is common ground betwixt a great many religious paradigms when we choose to find it. if we find a nice gardener perhaps they will let us plant some flowers with them on it.


Re: fortunately i'll correct the record!

as plain and ordinary as ... intolerant religious bigots missrepresenting your religion, setting up strawmen and burning them down to gratify their own ego.


future hope,
I know you are sincere in your beliefs, but it should be tempered with some wisdom. I think Winston Churchill once said something like this: "Better to let others think you are ignorant for five minutes than to open your mouth and remove all doubt forever."
In ages past, people worshipped statues made of wood and stone and beseeched them for help. They feared these statues, believing that they were watching them and would become angry whenever a person committed sin. Buddha is the Buddhist idol. But Buddhists who equate Buddha with God—and those who hop on the bandwagon and become Buddhists to draw attention to themselves—do not realize how seriously they are deceived. Because they do not believe in the eternal afterlife, Paradise or Hell, it never occurs to them that they will have an accounting in the presence of God. Since they believe that they are already on the right path, they react with great surprise when invited to follow it.
All of the messengers who warned against the pagan religions that people had followed and called others to the oneness of God encountered similar reactions. In the Qur'an (38: 4-7), God says:
They are surprised that a warner should come to them from among themselves. The unbelievers say, "This is a lying magician. Has he turned all the gods into One God? That is truly astonishing!" Their leaders went off saying, "Carry on as you are! Hold fast to your gods. This is clearly something planned. We have not heard of this in the old religion. This is merely something contrived."
In this book, we invite Buddhists and all others who, for whatever reason, feel sympathy with this superstitious religion to understand the truth that there is no god but God; and to accept that God is One and that there is no other. We invite them to come to Islam, the religion of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all). A person who perceives all his ancestors as believing in a religion that associates other things with God—and who himself associates them with God—may find it hard at first to make this decision. He may not understand how, after giving up all those powers he once associated with God, he can worship Him alone. Be that as it may, the only One Who supports and feeds him at this moment; the only One watching over him and protecting him is God. The One Who gives him life and heals him when he is sick is God, Lord of all the Worlds, Who created this Earth according to a pre-ordained decree. As it says in the Qur'an (81: 29), human beings have submitted to the will of God, to the point where they have no power to will unless God wills, cannot act except by the will of God. As God says of Himself in the Qur'an (11: 56), "There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock."
Satan can show Buddhists, and everyone else, that it is impossible to escape associating others with God. However, this is simply an intimation that comes from Satan; the Qur'an (14: 22) announces that, on the Last Day, Satan will say, "God made you a promise, a promise of truth, and I made you a promise, but broke my promise. I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you responded to me. Do not, therefore, blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your aid, nor you to mine. . . ." and all of those who have associated others with God will be left completely alone.
As we know, being saved from the error of associating other things of His creation with God entails a sincere change of intention, turning one's thinking to the oneness of God. And no matter what situation he finds himself in, that person decides to trust in God and conform his life faithfully to the Qur'an. Certainly, his faithfulness and decisiveness will bring about God's help, incomparable blessings, mercy and abundance. No doubt, God will direct a person on the right path, protecting him from Satan's attempts to misguide him.
Anyone who submits himself to God sees that real happiness and contentment can be found only in faith, and in the belief in God's oneness. In the Qur'an (65: 2-3), God gives this good news to believers:
Whoever heeds God—He will give him a way out and provide for him from where he does not expect. Whoever puts his trust in God—He will be enough for him. God always achieves His aim...
For this reason, a person who repents of his error of associating other things with God should abandon his idols without a moment's hesitation. Those who believe that Buddha is a god (God is surely beyond that!) who sees and hears all things, gives strength, gets angry and forebears, must change their minds and abandon their perverse understanding. And those who are caught up in the unfounded idea of karma and reject the existence the everlasting afterlife, must use their intelligence to save themselves from this error, because "What these people are doing is destined for destruction. What they are doing is purposeless." (Qur'an, 7: 139)

It may well be that, for instance, the people who are genuflecting to and otherwise venerating the Golden Buddah statue in Thailand are, in fact, idolaters. Similarly, I once read Leon Trotsky’s description of his trip to Lourdes and of the sick (in search of miraculous cures who congregated there) and was depressed for three days afterward. I sometimes sit with my older sister, a convert to Judaism, on Friday evenings at Shabbat in which, during the ceremony and after the candles are lit, verse five of the ninety-sixth Psalm is read and it tends, every time, to put my cosmopolitan self on edge. That Psalm reads something like this: “For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.”

I usually want to raise my hand, respectfully, of course, and voice a possible objection, or series of objections, to the verse, but decide to quietly wait for the vino to come my way instead.
In truth has come and falsehood has vanished, it reminds me of the role of the light. Wherever it shines, darkness vanishes. That's the role of Israel, when the first prophecy ever proposed by God Himself took place with the rise of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, according to the following text:

Let There Be Light and There Was Light

It has been an a "tohu vavohu" among many questioners, especially Christians, even many Jews, to come up with an explanation for that kind of light in Genesis 1:3 wen the sun, which gives light by day was created only on the 4th day of creation. The embarrassment is that at both, Atheists laugh. And not because they know any better in terms of an adequate answer, but for two other reasons: First, because they look for answer only in Science; and of course it is not there but in Theology. And in Theology, they laugh at us for they think that we are all speaking about an anthropomorphic god, which, as I don't blame them: It indeed never existed.

But what light is indeed the Torah writer referring to when he reports of God as declaring, "Let there be light?"

Since before the creation of the universe it was already in the designs of God to provide for salvation of Mankind, a People whom salvation would come from, in the words of Jesus himself in John 4:22.

When for good, the Assyrians removed Israel from existence by replacing the Northern population of the Galilee with Gentiles, and after the Jews or Southern pupulation was taken for an temporary exile of 70 years in Babylon, and the time had arrived for their return to the Land of Israel, Prophet Isaiah said that the people who walked in darkness, he meant the Gentiles in Galilee, had seen a great light as the Jewish People was returning to the Land of Israel. (Isa. 9:2)

Then, later, he confirms that light of Genesis 1:3 when he explained that Israel had been assigned as light to the nations. (Isa. 42:6) But the light was to remain divided from the darkness, so that both should exist in the same world; although, in the language of the Essenes, there would always be a conflict between the children of Light and the children of darkness. Between Jews and Gentiles.

Jesus was aware of this Light as he delivered his famous Sermon of the Mount to a crowd of Jews, when he said to them: "You are the Light of the world." (Mat. 5:14) The reason why he said "you are" and not "you have" is that what one has, it can be taken away, but what one is he is no matter what. Individually, we have the light the world needs to know God. But as a People, we are the light of Genesis 1:3, which the world needs for salvation.
