Obtuse Kineticist
What Does Divinity Manifesting Look Like?
My aunt phoned me one day in Maine several years ago, and I told her that I was leaning out my window and catching snowflakes on my hand and examining the delicate details of each. She told me a few memories of childhood snowstorms, then stated the fact that there were no two snowflakes exactly alike. I told her that what I found wonderful about her telling me this was that it surfaced in me another fact: there were no two any things exactly alike. To be exactly alike, two things would have to occupy the same space. That got us both reflecting on the immensity of the diversity of creation. No two parts of the innumerable mix that was All That Is were not alike exactly.
That is what divinity manifesting looks like to me. I don't want to focus on the basest level of the dream, but on the mathematical immensity, and flawless dance of ebb and flow that is the character of the design of creation. Creation itself is a manifestation of consumption, limitation and separation (for the most part). But the production behind the scenes is a thing of untold beauty. In that production is divinity manifesting for me.
Divinity to me is when the unconscious creator becomes lucid, if only for a brief moment. And I am ever so humble when I am witness to the magic, the design, and the perfection. It is not about me, and never has been, nor will it ever be. I will never come to know the whole in all its glory, no more than a cell can come to know the organism that it inhabits. It has a function within and without the dream, and the greatest awakening is to not only discover that function, but to become it consciously.
I arrive at my awareness not by my own hands, or design. This is not something that I personally chose to do. I did not place the perfect people and situations in my path. I did not choose the right experiences, in the right order. These bread crumbs were offered to me by Divinity that I may come to a slow knowing of my Self and function. I am nothing today without Divinity's grace. I would be on the same self-destructive path that I was stumbling upon years ago.
I am grateful for this computer, that I may stumble upon other wonder-filled explorers of Self awareness. And I am grateful that I am being guided to come to my own fruition within this ebb and flow. Lastly, I am grateful that whatever is the source of this Divinity does not require me to label it, or praise it. The praise comes naturally from me, even as a self-labelled atheist. Know that the dinnerware may be dingy, but the meal is great.
I once asked the question in a community, "What does divinity manifesting look like?". Aside from the typical cookie-cutter, paint-by-number, by-rote unconscious responses, I did get a few thoughtful ponderances. I ask this same question here for anyone who wishes to share their unique perspective.
©2004 DC Vision
My aunt phoned me one day in Maine several years ago, and I told her that I was leaning out my window and catching snowflakes on my hand and examining the delicate details of each. She told me a few memories of childhood snowstorms, then stated the fact that there were no two snowflakes exactly alike. I told her that what I found wonderful about her telling me this was that it surfaced in me another fact: there were no two any things exactly alike. To be exactly alike, two things would have to occupy the same space. That got us both reflecting on the immensity of the diversity of creation. No two parts of the innumerable mix that was All That Is were not alike exactly.
That is what divinity manifesting looks like to me. I don't want to focus on the basest level of the dream, but on the mathematical immensity, and flawless dance of ebb and flow that is the character of the design of creation. Creation itself is a manifestation of consumption, limitation and separation (for the most part). But the production behind the scenes is a thing of untold beauty. In that production is divinity manifesting for me.
Divinity to me is when the unconscious creator becomes lucid, if only for a brief moment. And I am ever so humble when I am witness to the magic, the design, and the perfection. It is not about me, and never has been, nor will it ever be. I will never come to know the whole in all its glory, no more than a cell can come to know the organism that it inhabits. It has a function within and without the dream, and the greatest awakening is to not only discover that function, but to become it consciously.
I arrive at my awareness not by my own hands, or design. This is not something that I personally chose to do. I did not place the perfect people and situations in my path. I did not choose the right experiences, in the right order. These bread crumbs were offered to me by Divinity that I may come to a slow knowing of my Self and function. I am nothing today without Divinity's grace. I would be on the same self-destructive path that I was stumbling upon years ago.
I am grateful for this computer, that I may stumble upon other wonder-filled explorers of Self awareness. And I am grateful that I am being guided to come to my own fruition within this ebb and flow. Lastly, I am grateful that whatever is the source of this Divinity does not require me to label it, or praise it. The praise comes naturally from me, even as a self-labelled atheist. Know that the dinnerware may be dingy, but the meal is great.
I once asked the question in a community, "What does divinity manifesting look like?". Aside from the typical cookie-cutter, paint-by-number, by-rote unconscious responses, I did get a few thoughtful ponderances. I ask this same question here for anyone who wishes to share their unique perspective.
©2004 DC Vision