Reincarnation: not RIP but BRB?

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
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If you believe in reincarnation: When you die, instead of putting RIP on your gravestone, should you put BRB [be right back for non fb speakers]?

Or how about RIPT -- rest in peace temporarily?

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If you believe in reincarnation: When you die, instead of putting RIP on your gravestone, should you put BRB [be right back for non fb speakers]?

Or how about RIPT -- rest in peace temporarily?
If reincarnation is viable (no pun intended), where do the souls go while waiting for the next opportunity to enter the corporial world? Limbo? The Nexus? Purgatory? Interesting question...anyone have an answer?:)
If reincarnation is viable (no pun intended), where do the souls go while waiting for the next opportunity to enter the corporial world? Limbo? The Nexus? Purgatory? Interesting question...anyone have an answer?:)
funny that that would be brought up....

I remember the cosmonaut...."Nope, ain't no heaven up here either"

I believe people rest in heaven between reincarnations, gleaning as much knowledge as they can from what they have just experienced in their last lifetime. When they have gleaned as much as they can from their last reincarnation (and when they have rested enough), it's time for another 'field trip' back to learn more on earth in another reincarnation.

I see heaven as a temporary state between reincarnations, and nirvana as what happens after we have finished our last reincarnation. (I believe in both heaven and reincarnation, and I see no conflict between the two.)

I also believe that limbo and purgatory happen, but that is a whole different story. (We hear stories about people in limbo and purgatory, and those stories are out there for a reason.) Ideas like limbo, purgatory, heaven, and nirvana fit quite nicely into my belief system, and I see no conflict between these ideas.
"funny that that would be brought up...."

--> A lot of people assume that heaven is for eternity and never consider that it might be temporary. This causes people to misunderstand heaven as an important rest-time between reincarnations.
...where do the souls go while waiting for the next opportunity to enter the corporial world...

Where does the ocean go when a wave forms?

Where does the wave go when it recedes?

Arising from the source... receding back to the source...

never disconnected or apart from the source, it rises and recedes over and over again.
"funny that that would be brought up...."

--> A lot of people assume that heaven is for eternity and never consider that it might be temporary. This causes people to misunderstand heaven as an important rest-time between reincarnations.
but to accept the eternity as a given, and the temporary as an issue?

I believe people rest in heaven between reincarnations, gleaning as much knowledge as they can from what they have just experienced in their last lifetime. When they have gleaned as much as they can from their last reincarnation (and when they have rested enough), it's time for another 'field trip' back to learn more on earth in another reincarnation.

I see heaven as a temporary state between reincarnations, and nirvana as what happens after we have finished our last reincarnation. (I believe in both heaven and reincarnation, and I see no conflict between the two.)

I also believe that limbo and purgatory happen, but that is a whole different story. (We hear stories about people in limbo and purgatory, and those stories are out there for a reason.) Ideas like limbo, purgatory, heaven, and nirvana fit quite nicely into my belief system, and I see no conflict between these ideas.
If this is the case, and the Zodiac is more than daily horoscopes, then someone like me is on their last trip to earth, No? I've learned all I can learn? Being born in the middle of the 12th sign, I am finished here?

Lord, I'd hate to see what kind of person I was the first time around...:eek::eek:
If reincarnation is viable (no pun intended), where do the souls go while waiting for the next opportunity to enter the corporial world? Limbo? The Nexus? Purgatory? Interesting question...anyone have an answer?:)
The Tibetan term is "Bardo"

You asked,

"If this is the case, and the Zodiac is more than daily horoscopes, then someone like me is on their last trip to earth, No?"

--> No. We do not go through the Zodiac in order. You also need to check your rising sign and moon sign. I find that a person's rising sign is more important than a person's sun sign.

Rising sign = time of day a person was born.
Sun sign = day of the year a person was born
Where does the ocean go when a wave forms?

Where does the wave go when it recedes?

Arising from the source... receding back to the source...

never disconnected or apart from the source, it rises and recedes over and over again.

Excellent post, CZ. :)
If we keep getting reincarnated into new bodies forever and ever, what happens when the sun turns into a red giant and vapourizes the earth billions of years from now?
I mean, there'll be no place to reincarnate back to, will there?

Or on a smaller time scale, what if a nuclear accident or meteor impact wipes out all life on earth tomorrow, how can we reincarnate into new bodies if the human race is extinct?
If we keep getting reincarnated into new bodies forever and ever, what happens when the sun turns into a red giant and vapourizes the earth billions of years from now?
I mean, there'll be no place to reincarnate back to, will there?

Or on a smaller time scale, what if a nuclear accident or meteor impact wipes out all life on earth tomorrow, how can we reincarnate into new bodies if the human race is extinct?

This most likely...

For six centuries, following the Last War, a handful of American survivors lived in a place of eternal twilight below the fields of Kansas. The power that made it possible for them to sink the complex into the ground, a form of organic energy, has transformed them into duendes, ghost-like beings, able to phase through rock.
The duendes are divided into two groups: scientists and the military. When Preston Kitteridge pops through the ceiling into the sunlight and sees the Soviets harvesting wheat in American soil, the military take over Duende Meadow.
Even though the military realizes that there are very few people left on Earth, they are insistent on wiping them out all of the Soviets. This does not sit well with the scientists, who would rather find out what why the Soviets are here and how it came about. It is impossible that after only six centuries that the Earth should have recovered so quickly. For all of their calculations show that the Earth should still be caught in the grip of a nuclear winter.

What is also discovered is that there are "ghostly lights" on the surface that scare everyone. And there are millions of them seen at night. They don't understand what these lights are...until one gets caught in the periphrial of the Duende "force field", and then they look..."human".

And they are human. Those that "astral projected" during the time of the bombs never found their way back to their bodies, because there were no bodies to they have wandered for 6 centuries...
Duende Meadow is a science fiction story written by Paul Cook.


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If the duendes and the astral humans are like ghosts, what'll happen to them when the sun vapourizes the earth?
If the duendes and the astral humans are like ghosts, what'll happen to them when the sun vapourizes the earth?
If the "Duendes" could put themselves in the middle of rock for 600 years, what makes us think they can't put us elsewhere?;)

I believe people rest in heaven between reincarnations, gleaning as much knowledge as they can from what they have just experienced in their last lifetime. When they have gleaned as much as they can from their last reincarnation (and when they have rested enough), it's time for another 'field trip' back to learn more on earth in another reincarnation.

I see heaven as a temporary state between reincarnations, and nirvana as what happens after we have finished our last reincarnation. (I believe in both heaven and reincarnation, and I see no conflict between the two.)

I also believe that limbo and purgatory happen, but that is a whole different story. (We hear stories about people in limbo and purgatory, and those stories are out there for a reason.) Ideas like limbo, purgatory, heaven, and nirvana fit quite nicely into my belief system, and I see no conflict between these ideas.
So, heaven, is a point of reflection? interesting thought.

You asked,

"If this is the case, and the Zodiac is more than daily horoscopes, then someone like me is on their last trip to earth, No?"

--> No. We do not go through the Zodiac in order. You also need to check your rising sign and moon sign. I find that a person's rising sign is more important than a person's sun sign.

Rising sign = time of day a person was born.
Sun sign = day of the year a person was born
1:06 Pm EST 6 Mar 1961, @ FT. Meade Army Base, Anne Arundel County, MD. WAC Captain kicked my father out of hospital before I was born, and had him put on KP duty for questioning her (he wanted to be there for my birth "in 1961"). Man he was ticked off.
Came out alright though...for the most part, lol :D

You said,

"So, heaven, is a point of reflection? interesting thought."

--> That's how I see it. Heaven is both a time of rest and reflection. During our time on earth, we are too busy to really ponder what we are learning and experiencing. But in heaven we have enough time to sit and ponder every experience we had (and judge for ourselves the degree to which we were successful in achieving our goals). Then, when we have finished gleaning all meaning and lessons from our previous life, it's time to go back again for another 'field trip' -- another reincarnation, and learn some more.

Reaching perfection takes a long time. Fortunately, we have enough time and enough chances to do just that.