The Absolute Truth

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The Absolute Truth

Islam, a monotheistic religion, is the Absolute Truth. Islam means submission to God (Allah). People who follow Islam are Muslims. There are around 1.5 billions Muslims all over the world. Majority of Muslims are non-Arabs.

Islamic Belief:

  • There is only one God (Allah), the Creator of everything that exists in this universe, including all beings. God does not have any shape or form.

  • God (Allah) does not have any son, daughter, family member or partner. He is only one and unique. And there is none comparable to Him.

  • God (Allah) accepts only direct prayer/worship to Him without any mediator.

  • God (Allah) forgives all kinds of sins if a person repents to Him directly.

  • God (Allah) sent messengers and prophets with His Message (divine Books) to guide all of mankind.

  • Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are some of the messengers/prophets of Allah (peace be upon all of them).

  • All human are born equally and sinless. They all belong to God (Allah). They are created for worshiping God (Allah).

  • On the Day of Judgment, God (Allah) will resurrect and judge all of the mankind based on their beliefs and actions. Then, He will reward the righteous people with Heaven, and punish the wrong doers with Hell.

How to become a Muslim:

Just say and believe: There is only one God (Allah), and Muhammad is the final messenger and prophet of God (Allah). ----- (With this belief, you just became a Muslim, congratulations!!!)

To read the Book of God (Allah) – Quran, search for – Quran Translation by Yusuf Ali

Other Beliefs:

  • Nothing happens without Allah’s will.
  • Quran (the message from Allah) was revealed for all of mankind for guidance.
  • God (Allah) created angles for His services.
  • All human beings must be treated with respect regardless of their beliefs, race, gender and other differences since they all belong to God (Allah).
  • God (Allah) forgives the person who forgives other beings.

Just wondering, do you see Islam as An Absolute Truth or The Absolute Truth? The folks who think that their religion is an absolute truth might disagree that yours is "the" absolute one.
I would say that Islam is a path to the truth.

But there are many, many paths.
Now that is just overly reasonable.

welcome to the forum,

i disagree islam is not the absolute truth
Now if anyone were to tell anyone which was the absolute truth, the odds are they would say their own.... no surprise there.

I'd fall off my horse if someone said another's beliefs were the absolute truth and theirs were not...
I am reading the Quran right now. Just started a couple of weeks ago actually, but so far I haven't found anything that I can't believe. So far I'd say its as Holy as the Bible but with a spice of logic. Hope that doesn't offend anyone. On either side.
Of course what we're seeing in this initial post is some dogmatic and absolutist statements.. and they are similar to what absolutist Christians tell us..We've had a few of these posts on the forum I frequent.

"God (Allah) created angles for His services."

I haven't heard the one about the "angles" before...Maybe that means a kind of sacred geometry.

For Baha'is truth is not "absolute" but relative...

Its teachings revolve around the fundamental principle that religious truth is not absolute but relative, that Divine Revelation is progressive, not final.

(Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 58)

I noticed the requirement to be a Muslim is given as

There is only one God (Allah), and Muhammad is the final messenger and prophet of God (Allah).

This is called the "Shahada"

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله (lâ ilâha illallâh, Muḥammadur rasûlullâh) (in Arabic)There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. (in English)

You'll note it doesn't say "Muhammad is the final Messenger and Prophet of God"..that's an add-on to the Shahada..even though I'm sure many Muslims agree with that view it is not in the actual text.

Shiah Islam has the Shahada as:

"I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is Allah's servant and His Messenger and I bear witness that Ali is Allah's 'Wali','representative'.

Baha'is also recognized Prophet Muhammad as well as what we believe is the fulfillment of the prophetic age..
The Absolute Truth

Islam, a monotheistic religion, is the Absolute Truth. Islam means submission to God (Allah). People who follow Islam are Muslims. There are around 1.5 billions Muslims all over the world. Majority of Muslims are non-Arabs.

Counter to your belief in the Truth

Christianity is a Montheistic faith, and so is Judeasm. One claims to have the Messiah revealed, and the other waits for the Messiah to come. There are about 2.1 Billion Christians and about 14 million Jews all over the world. Majority of both are non-Arabs, or non anything else, except their own country of origin.

Islamic Belief:

  • There is only one God (Allah), the Creator of everything that exists in this universe, including all beings. God does not have any shape or form.
  • God (Allah) does not have any son, daughter, family member or partner. He is only one and unique. And there is none comparable to Him.
  • God (Allah) accepts only direct prayer/worship to Him without any mediator.
  • God (Allah) forgives all kinds of sins if a person repents to Him directly.
  • God (Allah) sent messengers and prophets with His Message (divine Books) to guide all of mankind.
  • Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are some of the messengers/prophets of Allah (peace be upon all of them).
  • All human are born equally and sinless. They all belong to God (Allah). They are created for worshiping God (Allah).
  • On the Day of Judgment, God (Allah) will resurrect and judge all of the mankind based on their beliefs and actions. Then, He will reward the righteous people with Heaven, and punish the wrong doers with Hell.

What a Christian Believes:

I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth of all that is seen and unseen. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven; by the power of the Holy Spirit He was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered died, and was buried. On the third day He rose in fulfillment of the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

How to become a Muslim:

Just say and believe: There is only one God (Allah), and Muhammad is the final messenger and prophet of God (Allah). ----- (With this belief, you just became a Muslim, congratulations!!!)

How to become a Christian:

Accept Jesus' gift and trust he will show you the rest of the way. Don't worry about doubts, just ask Jesus to show you...God's word can not come back void, ever.

To read the Book of God (Allah) – Quran, search for – Quran Translation by Yusuf Ali
Good book.

The Bible is a simple operator's and repair manual for man. Read the directions and you can't go wrong.
Talking with God afterwards certainly doesn't hurt...;)

Other Beliefs:

  • Nothing happens without Allah’s will.
  • Quran (the message from Allah) was revealed for all of mankind for guidance.
  • God (Allah) created angles for His services.
  • All human beings must be treated with respect regardless of their beliefs, race, gender and other differences since they all belong to God (Allah).
  • God (Allah) forgives the person who forgives other beings.

All true.

Personally though, the thought of having an "intimate" relationship with God, is much more appealing...
I am reading the Quran right now. Just started a couple of weeks ago actually, but so far I haven't found anything that I can't believe. So far I'd say its as Holy as the Bible but with a spice of logic. Hope that doesn't offend anyone. On either side.

Congrat Gina, an open mind....

If everyone were to read it, we'd have a lot less animosity in the world, less debate and more discussion.
Thanks and congratulations GinaJ for being open mind.

I used to go to a church and study Bible to understand it, and I still have couple different versions of Bibles.

Knowledge and open mind do not harm others but ignorance and closed mind do.

Thanks again for being an example for us!
Isn't this the ultimate goal of all religions?
Or in keeping with the op, "The Absolute Truth".
I should like to think this is correct. However it isn't the "religions" that this goal is intended by, but rather the "faith" behind the religions. Remember, religion is a tool, "faith", being the force behind the tool...;)
i think muhammad was A prophet but the whole "final" prophet thing was added by islamic clerics,much like christian clerics declared that anyone declaring to come after christ was an antichrist or false prophet when it clearly states in the NT that there would be others.
I should like to think this is correct. However it isn't the "religions" that this goal is intended by, but rather the "faith" behind the religions. Remember, religion is a tool, "faith", being the force behind the tool...;)

Hmm, wonder if I can say this:
As one seeks to have an "intimate" relationship with God, one moves from faith and it's ritual associate religion. Suppose like morning fog lifting to reveal the day. It seems religion is the billboard making the announcement, I suppose faith is believing the announcement is true, but the individual needs to do his or her own homework to receive the insight to agree with the announcement.