Exorcists wanted: apply to Catholic Church

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Exorcists wanted: apply to Catholic Church - Yahoo! News

Wanted: a few good men to cast out devils.

Overwhelmed with requests for exorcists, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are holding a special training workshop in Baltimore this weekend to teach clerics the esoteric rite, the Catholic News Service reported.

The church has signed up 56 bishops and 66 priests for the two-day workshop that began on Friday, seeking to boost the small group of just five or six American exorcists that the church currently has on its books.

"There's this small group of priests who say they get requests from all over the continental U.S.," Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, was quoted as saying.

"Actually, each diocese should have its own" exorcist, he added.

"There's this small group of priests who say they get requests from all over the continental U.S.," Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, was quoted as saying.
Why? The article raises the point, but never addresses the question.

I do wonder whether the current media craze for vampires etc., might be something to do with it.


I think a lot of what is going on is that a lot of families are extrememly dysfunctional, and they want a priest to "cure" their dysfunctional children by exorcising them. The parents should be exorcised, not the children!
I met a raging demon in a dream and I walk up to him and slapped him in the face ---I then woke up. True Story.

According to the Vedas:
The candidate for a spirit possession [99% would be adults] can occur due to three states,
1 extreme weak will.
2 extreme intoxication and/or unconsciousness.
3 Saliva allows an entree to spirits.

The candidate for ghosts that would seek to possess a person are those that lost their 'gross-body [earth/water/fire/air]' usually due to being a criminal who died a violently and sudden death, yet they failed to surrender their self-centered determination & 'lusts' upon death ---thus they are still living out their Karma for that life, but. without the Gross Body that facilitates senual enjoyment ---so they seek out a person that has "weak will power". Both the possessed & the possessing ghost are in a sleep-walk like state of life.

The ghost has only their "subtile-body [astral-body]" which is composed of "mind/intelligence/ego" ---eventually the previous human-karma that was accorded the person, before death of the gross body, will expire ---and the ghost finally will be given a new birth in the body of one of one of 8,400,000 species of living entities ---as per the summation of all the past actions (past karma) of the ghost while it was alive ---and any further karmic mischief caused while in the ghost state.

BTW, as a kid I watched the exocist 8 times. My friend Mario saw it 18 times ---so he said.

Can any one name the title of the movie that this photo is from?
It stars GORDON LIU [of the movie, "The 36th Chamber" & also later, "Kill Bill"] ---the movie that this pix is from has the most awesome Exorcism Scene Ever shown on film ---it occurs at a local farmer's daughter [remember it's made in China circa 1970's] Please tell me because I want to find and buy it ---or at least view it again.


  • Gordon Liu - jpeg.JPG
    Gordon Liu - jpeg.JPG
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I always think of a story by the artist Bill Viola — religious themes inform some of his work, and he was being guided round a museum display of Buddhist statuary. One display stand contained nothing but statues drawn from Buddhist demonology. "Where do they all come from?" the artist mused.

His guide, a Buddhist monk, smiled, and tapped him on the chest.
