Hi, Peace,
If my memory serves me, wasn't the businesswoman Lydia of the New Testament accounts (Acts, I think, may be where we first meet her) called a "maker of purple?" (I am thinking that her name was "Dorcas" in Greek, but I may be mixing up my stories.) I think that later, she is raised from the dead. Anyway, she became a Christian and contributed much to the spreading of the Gospel.
I have read somewhere that the "royal purple" referred to in regard to this dyemaker would actually be called "crimson". Don't know how true this is, but I have done a bit of dyemaking and painting in my time, and I know that indigo is a stormy sort of blue shade, and if crimson is a deep red, when we mix them, of course we get purple. Just thinking....in many, many depictions of Christ, his outer garment is often one of these shades.
Edited to add: Ummm...I just realized I am on the Judaism board.
I considered deleting the post, but since we are discussing historical significance as well as spiritual, I think I will leave it here. Hope no one minds--