Life duration. 100 yo is nine times too little?


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Diet and life style are probably the most important factors for ageing and sickening non-causal (that means without external factors such as viruses, accidents or parasites).

From the bible we learn about people that used to live up to 900 years, that is 9 times more that our eldest, these days. We consider a 90 years old person to be rather old today, that the person has lived a long life. But we do not consider that nature has numerous examples of animals that go far above 150 years. In fact if we consider living organisms in general some of them go well over 300 years without big issues, if they overcome external factors obviously.

I believe the greatest problem people have nowadays about diet and life style is that they all expect a life that lasts into expectable numbers considering current medium life expectancy:75 years. This low target allows us to discard diet and lifestyle because we easily see around people reaching that age without much effort from their part. Probably the most often heard stupidity of any nutritionist or fitness coach is when people throw around examples of grandparents that lived "90 years, ate steak all week, drank like a fish and smoked like a horn". But what if that is 9 times less that we should live, 9 times less than what we are designed to live?

We shed our entire skin once every 7 years, we change evert cell in our body once every 14 years. In a very precise manner your body renews itself. Yet trough some unknown mechanism we suddenly age, get wrinkles and start to have failing apparatus and function. Why?

What did we do that triggered that event in the bible when God said His spirit wont stay in these bodies for more than 120 years?
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Using biblical references like this as accurate determinations of potential age in the secular health forum.....

While I believe we could live longer, we are discovering various factors in aging that go beyond diet and lifestyle, gene markers that switch off, cell deterioration...

But G!d damning us to shorter lives....imo....nah....