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Work of fiction/fable, or potentially a once real culture, engulfed by waters?

#1 The Lost civilization of Atlantis

Disney movies, Spongebob episodes, massive exploring of the ocean, and even numerous stories have all endeared the tale of the lost civilization of Atlantis to us all. A beautiful city, full of beautiful people, lost beneath the wave somewhere in the world, holding untold riches and possibly even technology that was centuries ahead of it's time. It doesn't matter what story you believe, the tale of Atlantis actually dates back to 370 B.C. to Plato who was one of the very first to write about the lost civilization and it's mysteries. While his overall description of Atlantis was extremely vague, it still struck a chord in so many minds that people believed in it enough to seek it out throughout the world.

Of course, there were those that believed that Atlantis never really existed, that it was merely a fable that Plato spun to entertain the masses. Even so, there were many that believed the lost civilization of Atlantis really existed, and some still seek it out today. Some people have said that the lost civilization will be found somewhere around Bermuda, and even in 1969 there were some odd geometric stone formations that were found near Bimini. Other locations of the lost civilization have included: Antartica, England, Cuba, and Mexico. But, there are some that don't believe that Atlantis was an island at all, but instead was actually a planet that exploded. Until someone actually finds the lost civilization and we can factually determine that Atlantis existed, we will never know the real truth.

Top 10 Civilization Mysteries: Atlantis And Mayan 2012 Prophecies

YouTube - Lost History-Finding Atlantis

It was Edgar Cayse that said Atlantis would be found in Bimininy . Some under water roads were found , but they are not sure of what they mean. desert rat
I personally still don't understand the attraction with Atlantis - ancient history discusses so many mythical or near mythical places, and this was simply a fable. Yet some people have turned it into something real - perhaps because Plato was so well read. And now it seems to have slipped into a mandatory set of New Age vocabulary, which I find a shame, really, because it's ended up as a concept being parroted for no reason.

There are plenty of lost lands in history - perhaps that's why some people fixate on Atlantis being real. Perhaps it's because there are so many hints of possible contenders for a seed for the fable.

Either way, the idea of a nuclear fusion Atlantis has no basis in reality, sadly.
i heard an idea that atlantis was not a city or a continent but the name of the planet during the water age, now we are in the matter age, its called earth, interestingly i think as also we are, imo at present, the most descended into the materialistic physical plane than ever before. there have also been fire ages and next is air apparently. more materialistic means denser matter and so stronger gravity, less gravity in atlantis times would explain its mist like ethereal density and the existencxe of giants, maybe, if it even existed that way.

excuse the lack of grammar and disjointed flow
It has been said that both the Mayan and Egyptian culures were direct descendents of the Atlantean culture.

Personally I always thought it was a bit demeaning to assume that cultures like the Egyptians couldn't have been smart enough to accomplish things on their own without outside help.

That being said, I also think there was likely a lot more interaction between cultures than a lot of people assume and that ideas could and did spread a lot more widely than we might think. But that's different from crediting a mythical super-human race with the accomplishments of known ancient cultures.
Do you know why egyptians built pyramids ? Not to lose your hamlet again. Be ware!
i remember watching "The Man From Atlantis" when I was a kid, seemed really good at the time.

I've come to think that there is a connection between the volcanic island of Thera Santorini and the Atlantis legend:

Santorini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Work of fiction/fable, or potentially a once real culture, engulfed by waters?

#1 The Lost civilization of Atlantis

Disney movies, Spongebob episodes, massive exploring of the ocean, and even numerous stories have all endeared the tale of the lost civilization of Atlantis to us all. A beautiful city, full of beautiful people, lost beneath the wave somewhere in the world, holding untold riches and possibly even technology that was centuries ahead of it's time. It doesn't matter what story you believe, the tale of Atlantis actually dates back to 370 B.C. to Plato who was one of the very first to write about the lost civilization and it's mysteries. While his overall description of Atlantis was extremely vague, it still struck a chord in so many minds that people believed in it enough to seek it out throughout the world.

Of course, there were those that believed that Atlantis never really existed, that it was merely a fable that Plato spun to entertain the masses. Even so, there were many that believed the lost civilization of Atlantis really existed, and some still seek it out today. Some people have said that the lost civilization will be found somewhere around Bermuda, and even in 1969 there were some odd geometric stone formations that were found near Bimini. Other locations of the lost civilization have included: Antartica, England, Cuba, and Mexico. But, there are some that don't believe that Atlantis was an island at all, but instead was actually a planet that exploded. Until someone actually finds the lost civilization and we can factually determine that Atlantis existed, we will never know the real truth.

IMO, of all the different views about Atlantis, I am in favor of the Platonic fable spun by Plato to entertain the masses, as you well point above, which ended up by becoming a racing for the lost grail of a different kind.