To Gatekeeper - only way I know to get a messag to you



To gatekeeper, can you also give me a spell to get four people to snail mail me and email me something I need for them to snail mail or email. Thanks

I need one person to snail me "Yes you are thin and size 4 to 8"
I need one person to email me "Yes you are thin"
I need one person to email me "You are welcome"
I need one person to email me a confirmation "You were lways thin, but thinner"

It is really important.

If you want to send a private message to a member here, just click on their name where you see a post by them, and in the menu that pops up there is an option to send them a private message.

I'm not sure that "spell begging" is something we want to encourage here. The best spells are the ones you create yourself anyway as they are ones that will have the most symbolic meaning for you. There are lots of good books on how to perform spells (including how to create your own) -- just do an Amazon search for "spells" or "magick" and you'll get lots of suggested titles to look for.
To bgrugach: I did click on his name but when I went to send a private message it said that he opted not to get private messages.

I really am not spell begging, it is just on my other post he he gave a spell as an answer and I liked that spell so I asked if he had one for this as well. I have created all my spells.

But thanks for your answer