Alternative medicine for Cancer



I like reading alot about alternative medicine since it has no side effects if it is used the correct way.

my uncle's wife has breast cancer and chemotherapy wore her out so we started searching for alternative medicine for cancer without excluding medical consulation or treatment of course.

we found lemon to be very benefecial since it kills cancer cells 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

Correct the body's pH --to a nuetral 7 on the pH scale ---and the body will rejuevant itself, for crying out loud!

This is the hidden basic chemistry that is kept from the public.

Learn everything you can ASAP about "Acid-Alkaline balance" along with "acidosis" coupled with "causes of diebetes" and "cause & formation of arterial plaque deposits" topped off with the relatively recent law case known as the "Twinkee Defense" and finally append all research for the recent plight of "Child-obesity"

1] Drink 4 liters each day of a variety freshly made green juices.
2] Eliminate Sugars, Wheats, ---and fruits during the start of such cleans/detox.
3] Mineral, vitamin & probiotic suppliments.
4] Drink additional water [w/correct pH and/or Bottled mineral water]
it's nice to think that there's some miracle cure, but... nobody has a cure for cancer, yet. Okay, there are some cancers we can treat, but cancer is a BIG DEAL. Cancer is not something you can wish away if God loves you enough. Cancer is not a global delusion or part of the big conspiracy.

Cancer KILLS people. Cancer is BIG and SCARY. You don't want to screw around with it.

If you do turn to "alternative medicine", you should think of it as being "complimentary medicine" -- something, IN ADDITION to conventional treatment, not something you use INSTEAD of conventional treatment. Yes, chemotherapy is awful, and your immune system suffers, your hair might fall out, you might get nosebleeds, mouth ulcers, etc, but.... cutting the bad bits out and giving doses of radiation or immunosuppressant drugs IS THE ONLY THING THAT WORKS FOR CANCER.

Eating extra lemons and knocking the chemo on the head, using some daft diet and chanting Om WON'T cure cancer.

Look instead to use alternative/complimentary medicine to help combat the side effects of conventional therapy.

Boost the immune system by eating a good mix of healthy foods. Seeds, things with high vit E and C content. Use aromatherapy massages to de-stress. Use cannabinoids to combat loss of appetite. Use sedative herbs to help you sleep. That's about as much as you can do.

All this... crap... from Bhaktajan (sorry Bhakta ! ) is just that. You can't fight cancer with wishful thinking and spirulina smoothies. Going on a "detox" will NOT cure cancer. There isn't even any evidence to prove that detoxes actually detox healthy people. It certainly won't cure cancer. Cancer is an official BIG DEAL. You all need to treat it as such.

If you get chemo... don't use pro-biotics. It's bacterium, yes, and innocuous, but if you have no immune system then sticking bacteria in yourself isn't a good idea. Neither is not eating carbs, or not eating wheat.

Eat good, look after yourself. Do what the doctors say.

for gawd's sake...
I hope everybody shares their knowledge or experience with us :)

Thank you so much
All this... crap... from Bhaktajan (sorry Bhakta ! ) is just that. You can't fight cancer with

You must have retirement funds in the pharmacuetical industry!

How dare you speculate and pass it off as learned opinion!

You are propagating outright mis-information for your own engrandisement.

I proposed researching that which is elementary.

And you surplant it with Industry propaganda!

You speculate yourself to the National Japanese Hall of Honor with your pseudo-opinions . . . save some one while you can, rather than hiding elementary knowledge from the mafia-consumer-market place banter and hawking.

You have to maintain a body temperature of 37.0 °C (98.6 °F).
Similarly You have to maintain a body pH (acid vs alkalinity) of 7.365 [pH scale is zero to 14]

The local water treatment facility is doing this ---I am revealing to do the same . . . as per authorities. BTW, The local water treatment facility routinely must dredge-out un-desolved pharmacueticals from its sediment ---what they do with it I do not know.

Bhaktajan speaks no lies like a fool does nor as a pimp does,

Those that say "You can't fight cancer . . . "
Certainly are among those that profit from causing cancer(s) in all it's myraids of forms.

Cancers are a result of "Causing a cancer".

Incorrect pH is the cause of cancers.

Chemists learnt early on all bout these elementary facts of life!

Cancer is an official BIG DEAL. You all need to treat it as such.

ROFLOL. A Direct slogan! Carnival Barkers are endearing . . . but, talk about spamming. His capitalisation, not mine.

Health insurance contract with the dealer anybody??????????????????????????????????????????

Or how about everyone? Everyday, another 'sucker' is born.
I found this study which is very interesting i think

Turmeric curry spice kills cancer

20 January 2010

The chemical curcumin found in the curry spice turmeric destroys gullet cancer cells in the lab, scientists at the Cork Cancer Research Centre have found.

Dr Sharon McKenna and her team discovered that the curcumin started to kill the cancer cells within 24 hours when the cells began to digest themselves after the curcumin triggered lethal death signals.

Turmeric curry spice kills cancer - Public Service