What happened?



I went to a Paramahansa Yogananda temple and felt a tremendous energy - every cell in my body was tingling and it was quite enjoyable. I had asked to talk to the Brahman to gain advice about meditation, but when he arrived I felt a void around him - maybe as much as half a foot around his body the energy was blocked?

I do not understand what happened at all, as I spent more time with the Brahman this energy just seemed to evaporate slowly... it was very strange. Can anyone offer any insights?
Oh I understand that! I went in a seminar one time and the master didn't seem holy at all :p I could feel darkness around him, so I went to him and I asked him; why do I feel not safe when I am around you, why is dense?
He explained me that when you are not afraid of void, darkness, suffering, you allow those energy to flow around you, you allow them to interact and affect you.
The reason when I reacted to that, it's because I didn't want to face those energy myself.

So, in your case, this Brahman might meditate a lot on vacuity and void and maybe he is not afraid or reacting to that anymore. When you came close from him, you felt this difference between your energy. After a while you allowed this kind of cousciousness to affect you and you feel good with it.

Does it make any sense?